The government announced a redesign for ¥10,000, ¥5,000 and ¥1,000 bank notes.
※一新する= redesign 、revamp、get a makeover 等。
※紙幣は正式には日本銀行券= Bank of Japan notes です。

The 500 yen coin also got a makeover with "bicolor clad" technology.
※clad は、a kimono-clad woman(着物を着た女性)のように使う他、(貨幣が)金属被覆を施されたという意味。
Large Arabic numerals will be used to show the face value of the notes -- larger than the amounts written in Japanese -- so that seniors and foreign visitors to Japan can read them more easily.
※numeral =数字、数字の
※face value =(貨幣や証券等の)額面(価格)、表面上の価値
To prevent counterfeiting, Japan will employ cutting-edge three-dimensional holographic technology on a trio of new bank notes.
※counterfeit 名詞:偽造物、偽作/形容詞:偽造の、まがいの/動詞:(貨幣や文書等を)偽造する → forge
※hologram =ホログラム holography(レーザー光線を利用する立体写真術)で作り出した画像
The new designs will feature an elaborate watermarking system.
※elaborate =精巧な、手の込んだ
※watermark =(紙の)透かし(模様)

最も大きい金種= denomination である一万円札は、『日本の資本主義の父』渋沢栄一。裏には東京駅・丸の内駅舎が描かれます。
The new 10,000-yen bill, currently the highest denomination in circulation, will feature Eiichi Shibusawa, an industrialist who helped modernize Japan's economy and is often dubbed "the father of Japanese capitalism." One of Tokyo Station's historic red-brick facades will appear on the note's reverse.
※facade =【建築】(建物の)正面、前面

The ¥5,000 bill will feature Umeko Tsuda, the founder of Tsuda University in Tokyo, who studied in the U.S. and became a pioneer in the education of Japanese women in early 20th century. The back side will feature an illustration of wisteria flowers.

The ¥1,000 bill will feature Shibasaburo Kitasato, a bacteriologist who helped build the foundation for modern medical science in Japan. The opposite side will feature “The Great Wave off Kanagawa,” the famous woodblock print by ukiyo-e artist Katsushika Hokusai.
※bacteriologist =細菌学者
新しい顔ぶれの紙幣の流通= circulation 開始は、2024年の上半期 in the first half of fiscal 2024です。
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