U.S. President Donald Trump arrived at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport aboard Air Force One, kicking off his stay in Japan through Tuesday as the first state guest since the Reiwa era began at the start of this month.
※state guest =国賓 ※state visit =公式訪問、国賓としての訪問 ⇔ state call
※Air Force One 大統領専用機。 副大統領専用機は Air Force Two
Japan Rolled Out the Red Carpet
※roll out the red carpet =大歓迎する、盛大に歓迎する、歓待する、丁重に迎える
The schedule for the U.S. leader this weekend is full of hospitality and entertainment.
※hospitality =もてなし、歓待
ゴルフに相撲観戦と盛りだくさんの charm campaign
Trump's itinerary(旅行日程、旅行計画) includes a bilateral meeting, golf outing, visit to a grand sumo tournament and informal dinner with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
※charm campaign:(会社、政治家などが)お世辞と友情で人気を得て支持を獲得するキャンペーン
常套手段の非公式ディナーは炉端焼き店= a traditional Japanese charcoal grill restaurant へ
Small casual dinners have been a go-to formula for Japanese prime ministers when entertaining U.S leaders to foster close relations.
※go-to =〈主に米話〉〔人が〕頼りになる、〔場所が〕訪問者の多い、人気のある
※formula =方式、定則/儀式の際の決まった文句
Trump, flanked by first lady Melania, will have an audience Monday with the emperor and Empress Masako.
※flank =~の側面に位置する 名詞で脇腹
※天皇陛下と謁見する has an audience with the emperor とか be received in audience by the Emperor
Japan's new imperial couple wine and dine Trumps as first state guests of Reiwa Era
※wine and dine =酒と料理でもてなす、歓待する
With Trump’s Visit to Japan, Empress Masako Finds a Spotlight(NYT見出し)
Masako, a multilingual former diplomat and Harvard graduate, became an instant hit on social media.
U.S. President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's bromance gets stronger.
※bromance =ブロマンス(男性同士の親密な関係) 語源:brother + romance
トランプも、日米関係の蜜月ぶりを tweeter でアピール
"The relationship with Japan and the United States I can say for a fact has never been stronger, never been more powerful, never been closer.”

安倍首相は、トランプを手なずける猛獣使い a tamer of wild animals だと期待する声もあればトランプのポチだという見方をする人もいる。
Trump is the master and Abe is the little lap-dog.
※tame =動詞:飼いならす 形容詞:動物がなれた、飼いなさられた
※lap dog =膝の上に乗る「小型の愛玩犬」⇒他人の言うことに黙って従う人、言いなりになる人