6月16日早朝、大阪府吹田市の千里山交番= Koban / police box で、拳銃強奪事件が発生。その直前には、虚偽の空き巣通報があり、当直の警察官をおびき出す目的だったと思われます。
Immediately before the attack, police at the koban received a call from a man reporting a break-in at a house. He lured officers on duty at the police box with a bogus phone call about a house break-in.
※lure 誘惑する、おびき出す、誘い込む
※bogus にせものの、いんちきの false
※house break-in / break-in at a house =空き巣⇒ burglary(of an empty house) 空き巣犯人= burglar
巡査の左胸には 15-centimeter blade(刃渡り)の包丁が刺さったままの状態でした。
The 26-year-old officer Suzunosuke Kose was found at a police box with serious injuries and a knife embedded in the left side of his chest.
※embed =ぴったりとはめこむ、埋める、固定する
※embedded reporter / journalist =従軍記者
He made off with the officer's loaded service revolver.
※make off with~ ~を持ち去る
※load =積み荷を載せる⇒銃などに弾丸を込める、装填する/カメラにフィルムを入れる/満塁にする等
※拳銃= gun / handgun / service pistol / service revolver

防犯カメラの映像= surveillance camera footage から写真が公開されたところ、息子に似ていると父親から連絡が。
An executive at Kansai Television Co., contacted the police, saying, “The man in the screen grab looks like my son.
Based on such tips, the prefectural police concluded Iimori was involved in the attack and obtained an arrest warrant early Monday. The police also put Iimori on a nationwide wanted list.
The police collected security video footage from a wide range of areas in a bid to track Iimori’s movements, and determined that a man who appeared to be Iimori was heading toward the forest in Minoo. The police combed the forest after daybreak Monday.
※comb =徹底的に、しらみつぶしに捜索する
The gun was loaded with five bullets when it was stolen, but contained only four bullets when it was retrieved from the suspect. Multiple residents told police they heard what appeared to be a gunshot about 30 minutes after the officer was attacked, leading police to believe that Iimori loosed off a shot in the neighborhood.
He visited several stores to buy clothes, insect repellent, a mobile phone charger and batteries.
According to the prefectural police, Iimori has received psychosomatic treatment and was issued a mental disorder certificate.(精神障害証明書)The police will examine whether Iimori can be held criminally responsible.
※psychosomatic 心身[精神と身体]の
ある同級生の反応:She was delighted he made contact after such a long time, but said it was so out of the blue that she “hesitated to reply.”
※out of the blue 突然、いきなり、藪から棒に
別の同級生の声:‟Had I told him my home address, I might have become entangled in the crime.”
※entangle 事件等に巻き込む
被害にあった警察官は当初、意識がない unconscious / in coma と報道されていましたが、7月当初のニュースによると、会話ができるまで回復をされたということです。