About 10,000 pupils from 200 secondary schools did not turn up for the first day for the new school year, in the latest pro-democracy protests.
The protests were sparked by changes to a law that would allow extradition to mainland China, but have since widened to include calls for an independent inquiry into police brutality and universal suffrage.
※spark =引き金となる、引き起こす
※extradition =(犯罪者、容疑者の)管轄国への送還、引き渡し
※brutality =残虐行為
※suffrage =投票権、選挙権、参政権
They are seeking greater democracy for the former British colony which returned to China in 1997 under a that guarantees wide-ranging autonomy, including the right to protest and an independent judiciary.
※autonomy =自治
『一国二制度』= one country , two systems のもと、1997年に、英国から中国に返還された香港。人々は、自由が徐々に脅かされる事を恐れ、香港の統治を再び検討する事を求めて、街頭に繰り出しています。
Hong Kongers fear freedoms are being slowly eroded by Communist Party rulers in Beijing.
The people of Hong Kong have been taking to the streets to force distant authorities to reconsider how they govern the city.
※take to the streets =(デモなどのために)街頭に繰り出す)
This is not all happening in a vacuum. There's a lot of important context - some of it stretching back decades - that helps explain what is going on.
※in a vacuum =真空中で、孤立して、他と関わりを持たないで

Hong Kong island was ceded to the UK after the First Opium War in 1842.It became a busy trading port, and its economy took off in the 1950s as it became a manufacturing hub.The territory was also popular with migrants and dissidents fleeing instability, poverty or persecution in mainland China.
※cede =〔権利や土地などを〕譲渡する、割譲する、譲る
※the First Opium War =第一次アヘン戦争
※migrant =移住者
※dissident =反体制者
※persecution =迫害

The unrest has shown no sign of easing.Protesters lit fires, threw petrol bombs(火炎瓶) and attacked the parliament building. Hong Kong riot police(機動隊) used tear gas(催涙ガス), rubber bullets(ゴム弾), water cannon(暴徒鎮圧用放水銃)and batons(警棒) to disperse crowds as tens of thousands marched in the city, defying a ban.
※disperse =追い散らす
China accuses Western countries of egging on the protests. It says Hong Kong is its own internal affair.
※egg on =【句動】(人)を扇動して~させる、唆す、けしかける
Many of the students were wearing eye-patches to show their solidarity with one activist who was injured in the eye in clashes with the police.
※eye-patch =眼帯
※solidarity =連帯、団結
※clash =(意見や利害の)衝突、不和、小競り合い
Kong leader Carrie Lam announced the withdrawal of an extradition bill that triggered months of unrest and threw the Chinese-ruled city into its worst crisis in decades.Beijing were effectively calling the shots on handling the crisis.
※call the shots =牛耳る、支配する、采配を振るう