9月11日、安倍晋三首相(自民党総裁=President of the LDP)は、大規模内閣改造を行いました。
見出し:Abe reboots with sweeping Cabinet reshuffle

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe carried out a major Cabinet reshuffle.
→内閣改造はCabinet shake-upも。

小見出し:Japan's PM reassigns 17 of 19 portfolios as he eyes constitutional changes
※portfolio=①書類カバン②画集、作品集③ポートフォリオ 有価証券明細書④大臣の地位、職
Abe introduced 13 new faces, reinstated two with previous ministerial experience and retained two close allies and party heavyweights, while shifting two others.
In explaining the purpose of his reshuffle, Abe has said he wants to form a new team that can ensure political "stability" and tackle new "challenges."
After collecting letters of resignation at an extraordinary Cabinet meeting, a leaders’ meeting of the ruling parties was held with Chief Representative Natsuo Yamaguchi of Komeito. Following this, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga announced the list of Cabinet members. Furthermore, the attestation ceremony for newly appointed Ministers of State was held at the Imperial Palace, marking the official inauguration of the reshuffled Fourth Abe Cabinet.

Shinjiro Koizumi, a 38-year-old touted as a future leader, will handle the environment in his first ministerial post.
The focus among politicians and media pundits in recent days was on whether Koizumi — who announced his marriage to TV personality Christel Takigawa, 41, last month along with news of her pregnancy — will take paternity leave.
※paternity leave=父親産休、父親の育児休暇 maternity leave/parental leave

The 38-year-old lower house member will have a chance to prove that he can walk the walk.
Koizumi now finds himself under scrutiny as to whether he will walk the walk, as well as talk the talk, on the parental leave issue for which he has indicated support.
※under scrutiny=精査されて、厳しい視線が注がれて
※walk the walk/talk the talk/walk the talk 「不言実行、くちばっか、有言実行」を整理します。
walk the walk その歩きを歩く ⇒ 不言実行(黙ってするべきことを実行する)
talk the talk その話を話す ⇒ 言ったことを言う、言っても実行しない(口先だけ、くちばっか)
walk the talk その話しを歩く⇒ 有言実行(言った事、約束したことを実行する)