The Explosive' Typhoon Hagibis made landfall on Shizuoka’s Izu Peninsula at about 7 p.m. on Saturday, packing winds of up to 144 kph.
※pack=包む、まとめる→pack winds of up to 〇kphで、台風等が〇kphの勢力を保つ→sustain

広い範囲で記録的な大雨=record-breaking rainfall、暴風=strong wind/gustをもたらし、複数の河川で堤防が決壊し氾濫。多くに人が避難を余儀なくされました。
Cities and towns across the country were inundated by flood waters after levees failed in the face of record rainfall, forcing many people to abandon submerged homes.
※levee=堤防、土手 →embankment

Flood waters engulfed houses and left about 360 people stranded, according to Kyodo News. Firefighters and Self-Defense Forces personnel rescued residents trapped in their homes using helicopters and rafts.
Hagibis has drawn the attention of experts from around the world for its rapid intensification. The U.S. military’s forecasting agency has put it on par with a Category 5 hurricane.
※put ~ on a par with…=~を…と同じ水準[レベル]にする、肩を並べる
A meteorologist says “It was an historic amount of intensification in such a short time. This only happens when all the right ingredients are in place.”
気象庁=Meteorological Agencyは、進路は正確に予測できても、強さの正確な予測はできまません。
“While the existing forecasting system used by the Meteorological Agency allows for quite accurate predictions of a typhoon’s trajectory, it can’t predict wind speed and central pressure accurately,”
As Hagibis approached, authorities urged citizens “to take whatever actions necessary to increase your chances of survival.”
Residents stocked up on water, food and other supplies, leaving many supermarket shelves empty — something unseen since the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.
※stock up on (with)=〔食料・飲料などを〕ため込む、〔商品を〕買いだめする、まとめ買いしておく
Rescuers on Tuesday raced against the clock to save more than a dozen people still missing after a catastrophic typhoon killed at least 73 people in 12 prefectures and paralyzed numerous areas over the weekend.