Carlos Ghosn, the ousted boss of the Renault-Nissan alliance who was awaiting trial in Japan on charges of financial misconduct, flew into Lebanon.
※oust=望ましくない人を地位から追い出す →depose
※misconduct=違法行為、職権乱用 →wrongdoing
It was a cinematic escape, carried out just before New Year’s Day, Japan’s most important holiday, when government agencies and most businesses close for as long as a week.He was smuggled out in a box designed for musical instruments in an audacious Hollywood movie-style escape masterminded by his wife.
保釈中の逃亡=jump bailで、日本に引き戻せない状況となりました。
By jumping bail, fugitive Carlos Ghosn burned bridges to Japan(JT見出し)
※jump bail=保釈中失踪する bail=保釈、保釈金
※burn bridges/burn one's boats=後には引き返せない状況を作る、背水の陣を敷く

I am now in Lebanon and will no longer be held hostage by a rigged Japanese justice system where guilt is presumed, discrimination is rampant, and basic human rights are denied, in flagrant disregard of Japan's legal obligations under international law and treaties it is bound to uphold.I have not fled justice - I have escaped injustice and political persecution. I can now finally communicate freely with the media, and look forward to starting next week.
日本の報道機関は日本の司法制度を馬鹿にした=make a mockery of the Japanese justice systemとしました。

round-the-clock surveillance=24時間体制の監視下の逃走に、弁護団も、驚きを隠せません。
Even Ghosn’s own team were left dumbfounded as to how he escaped the country.
保釈金(15億)は没収ですが、レバノンと引渡条約=extradition treatyはなく『逃げ得』になる可能性があります。
“If it is confirmed that he has left the country, the cancellation of his bail and the confiscation of his deposit are inevitable,” an official of Tokyo District Court said.