アメリカ大統領候補者選びのヤマ場がSuper Tuesday。予備選挙や党員集会が多くの州で一斉に開催されます。
Super Tuesday is the United States presidential primary election day in February or March when the greatest number of U.S. states hold primary elections and caucuses.(予備選挙と党員集会)The results on Super Tuesday are a strong indicator of the likely eventual nominee of each political party.

Joe Biden bursts from twilight of career onto biggest stage(タイトル)
Sen. Bernie Sanders ended his presidential bid, making Joe Biden the presumptive Democratic nominee to challenge President Donald Trump in a general election campaign that will be waged against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic.
※against the backdrop of ~=~を背景に

In Biden and Trump, voters will choose between two white septuagenarians with dramatically different prescriptions for health care, climate change, foreign policy and leadership in an era of extreme partisanship.
ちなみに40代:quadragenarian 50代:quinquagenarian 60代:sexagenarian 80代:octogenarian 90代:nonagenarian 100以上:centenarian
longtime senatorベテランの上院議員で、the fatherly or grandfatherly figure calming a nation on the verge of a nervous breakdown 大変な事態にある米国民を落ち着かせる父親や祖父のような存在のバイデン氏。プライベートの悲劇でも知られ、最初の妻と1歳の娘は交通事故で、長男は脳腫瘍で亡くなっています。
Biden's first wife, Neilia Hunter, and one-year-old daughter, Naomi, died in a car crash in 1972 while Christmas shopping, just weeks after Biden had defied the odds and won election to the Senate from Delaware…
Both boys recovered from their injuries and Beau followed his father into politics, becoming attorney general (司法長官)of Delaware and contemplating a run for state governor before dying of brain cancer in 2015 at the age of 46.
Biden touts his blue-collar roots on the campaign trail and recalls that he was hampered as a child by a stutter so bad he was cruelly nicknamed "Dash."
※stutter=どもる、くちごもる/吃音 stammer
人柄の良さを感じさせるエピソードは多いものの、失言や迷言が目立つという弱点もあり、トランプ大統領からsleepy Joeと揶揄されることもあります。
He is known for his personal warmth and folksy manner. But he also has a propensity for public gaffes, and his often rambling delivery on the campaign trail has raised questions over his mental agility.