Anderson Cooper shared an incredibly happy announcement with his CNN viewers on Thursday night. The news anchor proudly introduced his son, Wyatt Morgan Cooper, who was born on Monday.
赤ちゃんを表す語:新生児はnewborn もう少し大きくなるとinfant、toddler 比喩的な表現だとbundle of joy ちなみに胎児はembryo(妊娠3か月前半まで) fetus(3か月以降)
Cooper shared on Instagram, “As a gay kid, I never thought it would be possible to have a child, and I’m grateful for all those who have paved the way, and for the doctors and nurses and everyone involved in my son’s birth.”
※pave the way=道を開く、地ならしをする
“Most of all, I am grateful to a remarkable surrogate who carried Wyatt, and watched over him lovingly, and tenderly, and gave birth to him. It is an extraordinary blessing – what she, and all surrogates give to families who can’t have children.
※surrogate=代理母(surrogate mother)動詞としても使える
2012年にゲイであることを公表して大きな反響を呼んだクーパー氏。「カミングアウト」は和製英語。正しくはHe came out. ←He came out of the closet.が短くなり定着。
※skeleton in the closet(もしくはcupboard)は〔世間や他人に知られたくない〕内輪の秘密[恥]He’s a closet conservative. 彼は隠れ保守派だ。の様に使えます。
10歳の時に父が亡くなり、20代で兄も自殺し、昨年は母も亡くし、immediate family(肉親)がいなくなったクーパー氏は、子育てを助けしてくれる大人の関与が欲しかったといいます。そして9年間交際して2018年には破局をしたフランス人のナイトクラブ経営者、ベンジャミン・マイサニさんに共同親になるように依頼をしました。
Cooper wishes a second adult had stepped in to help raise Wyatt.
Cooper wanted Maisani to co-parent newborn son because he thinks it's 'good to have two parents'.
※co-parent:〔離婚後も子どもを養育する〕共同親 動詞:〔離婚後も子どもを〕養育する

The intrepid heiress, socialite, designer, and Instagrammer died at the age of 95.

クーパーの言葉より:“My mom was definitely from a different era and a different world, but she was the most modern and accepting person I think I’ve ever met,” Cooper, 52, continued. “Even at 95, she was also the most youthful person I think I know. She was up for anything. She wanted me to have a kid and she felt I would be a great dad.” Cooper added, “I think she would be amazed and thrilled to meet Wyatt and I hope she can see him.”
※be up for... =~に乗り気だ、やる気満々である

TV司会者、アンディ・コーエンは、クーパーのBFF=Best Friend Forever(10代の女性が言う『ずっ友』のような語)。パンデミックのさなか、赤ちゃんの買い物に行けないでいたところ、コーエンの息子Ben君のおさがりを譲ってもらったといいます。クーパーはお金の価値の分かる子供に育って欲しいのことです。
Anderson Cooper’s baby Wyatt wearing hand-me-downs from Andy Cohen’s son Ben(タイトル)
The TV journalist said he’s hoping to raise Wyatt to appreciate the value of a dollar. “I’m inherently cheap.(本質的にケチです) I like a good value,” Cooper said, before joking, “I wanted my son to be a Depression-era child who grows up wearing hand-me-down clothes.”