A new work by the elusive street artist Banksy, honoring health workers, has been unveiled at a British hospital.
覆面アーティストの形容詞は enigmatic / mysterious /secretive /anonymous street artist など

1㎡のキャンバスに、デニムとTシャツ姿の幼い男の子がごみ箱の横にひざまずく様子が描かれています。白黒のイラストで、男の子はNHS=National Health Service(英国の国営医療)の看護師の人形をヒーローに見立てて遊んでいます。
It shows a young boy kneeling by a wastepaper basket dressed in dungarees and a T-shirt. The monochrome illustration depicts a young boy playing with a caped nurse, who is wearing a face mask.
※dungaree=ダンガリー生地 ◆比較的安価なデニム生地。
The nurse's arm is outstretched and pointing forward in the fashion of Superman on a mission.She is wearing a facemask, a nurse's cape, and an apron with the Red Cross emblem (the only element of color in the picture).
The nurse has her arm outstretched as she ‘flies’ through the sky. Meanwhile, the child’s more conventional toy superheroes, batman and spiderman, sit redundant in a waste paper basket.
※emblem=しるし、記章、紋章 white apron emblazoned (紋章で飾る)with a red cross.という表現も
※redundant=余分の、余剰人員となった→お役御免となったsuperheroの、batman とspiderman
ごみ箱にあたる語はa waste paper basketのほか、wastebasket / rubbish bin / bin など
作品のタイトルはgame changer=大変革をもたらす人、企業、形勢を一変させる[試合の流れを変える・考え方を根本から変える・大逆転させる]物事
"Thanks for all you're doing. I hope this brightens the place up a bit, even if it’s only black and white."
"The fact that Banksy has chosen us to recognize the outstanding contribution everyone in and with the NHS is making, in unprecedented times, is a huge honor."
A work of art left by Banksy in the foyer of a hospital in Southampton could be worth millions when it is sold, a Banksy expert has said.

It is not the first time Banksy work inspired by COVID 19. He posted scenes of his trademark stenciled rats running amok in the bathroom last month accompanied by the comment "my wife hates when I work from home".
※run amok=逆上して暴れる、たけり狂う、暴れ回る、乱す、見境をなくす
※work from home=在宅勤務する
Banksy has published a series of pictures showing rats causing mayhem in a bathroom during the coronavirus lockdown.
Last month, he posted snaps of rats he had drawn causing havoc in his bathroom. →wreak havoc