On June 30, China’s National People’s Congress Standing Committee passed a controversial national security law for Hong Kong that lends Beijing sweeping new powers over the semi-autonomous city.
China's rubber-stamp parliament unanimously endorsed plans to impose a national security law on Hong Kong that critics say will destroy the city's autonomy.
※standing=常設の、常備の standing committee=常設委員会
※rubber-stamp=(計画・提案・法案など)十分考えずに賛成する、めくら判を押す rubber-stamp parliament=形骸化した国会
※autonomy=自治権 the semi-autonomous city=半自治都市(香港の置き換え。香港はfinancial hubと称されることも)
タイトル:China Votes to Override Hong Kong’s Autonomy on National Security
『圧政的な安全規制法を無理やり通過させるこの試みは、香港の法の支配の、存続の脅威に類似する物となり、この市の人権にとって不吉な危機となる。』と、Amnesty Internationalの高官は声明を発表しました。
“This attempt to bulldoze through repressive security regulations poses a quasi-existential threat to the rule of law in Hong Kong and is an ominous moment for human rights in the city.”
※bulldoze 他動 〔土地を〕ブルドーザーで整地する/〔略式〕おどして強制的に(…)させる into…を無理に通す
→railroad the bill/ram the bill through the Diet
※existential threat 実存的な[存続に関わる・現在進行形の]脅威
※rule of law 法の支配、法規範、法治
※moment=①瞬間 ②(ある特定の)時time、場合occasion、危機crisis
The law criminalizes four types of activity or behavior: secession, subversion, terrorism, and collusion with foreign or external forces. Each are punishable with a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.
anti-secession law=反国家分裂法(2005年3月14日に中国が台湾独立阻止の目的で制定)

Riot police fired water cannon and tear gas and arrested more than 300 people as protesters took to the streets again in defiance of new.
Hundreds turned out to protest the legislation in the busy shopping district of Causeway Bay, but were met with a heavy security presence.
Riot police fired pepper spray into the crowd and dispersed protesters, and deployed water cannons.
Police were later seen firing tear gas and rubber bullets. At least 370 people were arrested Wednesday. Among those was a 15-year-old girl, police said.
※riot police=機動隊
※water cannon=〔暴徒鎮圧用の〕(高圧)放水銃[砲]
※tear gas=催涙ガス
※take to the streets=街頭に繰り出す
※in defiance of~=~をものともせずに、~を無視して、~に反抗して
The Hong Kong police moved swiftly to enforce China’s new national security rules with the first arrests under the law, as the city immediately felt the chilling effect of Beijing’s offensive to quash dissent(→stifle dissent) in the semiautonomous territory.
※chilling effect=萎縮効果、刑罰への恐れから、表現や行動が抑圧されること。
※quash=取り消す、破棄する、無効にする annul
In Hong Kong, many residents are now afraid to exercise the freedoms of speech and assembly they had enjoyed just days earlier.
When a similar security law was passed on the mainland in 2015, many human rights lawyers and activists were immediately detained.
Protesters deleted social media accounts, as formerly allowed speech suddenly became a potential crime.

世界各国は批判の声を上げ、イギリスは= British National Overseas)を保有する香港人は英市民権を獲得する道を開く可能性があると述べました。アメリカは、『香港の自由を骨抜きにしていることに責任がある』と、高官に対するビザ制限を発表しました。
US Secretary of State announced visa restrictions on current and former Chinese officials who "were responsible for eviscerating Hong Kong's freedoms.”
※eviscerate=他動 〔動物・人の内臓を〕取り出す、~の重要な部分を取り出す、~を骨抜きにする
The law seems to be aimed at neutering (去勢する、弱体化する、骨抜きにする) the wave of youth activism.
Opponents fear it will demolish the business hub's cherished political freedoms and hollow out (空洞化する)its autonomy.

“The law is a ‘sword of Damocles’ hanging above extremely few criminals who are severely endangering national security.”

Every man, woman and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment by accident or miscalculation or by madness.
Hong Kong activists planning 'parliament in exile' after China brings in security law(タイトル)
Campaigner Simon Cheng, granted asylum(亡命を認められた) in UK, says shadow parliament would send ‘clear signal’ to Beijing(タイトル)
“We are developing an alternative way to fight for democracy,” Cheng said. We need to be clever to deal with the expanding totalitarianism(全体主義、国家統制主義).