今年はunusually long spell of rainy season=長い梅雨が、各地に大雨を降らせました。
This year’s season dumped more rain than usual on many areas.
※spell=(天候等の)一続きの期間 →period

More torrential rain(豪雨→) struck Japan's southwestern region of Kyushu, causing flooding and mudslides in many areas.
※torrential rain=豪雨 → downpour/deluge なども
Large areas of Hitoyoshi town in Kumamoto were inundated in muddy waters that gushed out from the Kuma River.
※gush out=〔液体が〕どんどん[勢いよく・どくどくと]流れ出す、噴き出す、あふれ出す 〔温泉が〕湧出する
Of the 49 fatalities in flood-ravaged Kumamoto, 14 were from the Senjuen nursing home near the Kuma River, which overran (→overflow) its banks at 11 locations and broke one levee.
※flood-ravaged=洪水に見舞われた ravage=荒らす、破壊する
※nursing home はここでは特養(特別養護老人ホーム) →intensive care home for the elderly
※levee=堤防 →bank/embankment/dike
※未明=before dawn/predawn/ the wee hours (午前0時すぎから午前4時頃までの深夜) weeちっぽけな
The rain front is expected to linger for several more days, moving toward east Japan.
“Vigilance is required across the nation … the risk level is rising,” an official of the Meteorological Agency warned.

生存率が急激に下がるのが『72時間』。警察、消防、海上保安庁、自衛隊も動員されました。救助に当たる人は『時間との闘いだ』と述べました。“We are racing against clock.”
Search efforts for the missing continued although the initial 72-hour period considered critical for finding people alive has passed at many of the sites hit by landslides and floods.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said he was doubling the deployment of rescue personnel, including police and firefighters as well as coast guard personnel and the SDF, to 80,000.
People living in mountainous areas had been stranded with phone, electricity and water services cut. Local authorities were transporting them to evacuation centers.
※be stranded=座礁する、取り残される、立ち往生する

Some 1,500 people had taken shelter at 86 evacuation centers across the prefecture as of Sunday afternoon as the downpour caused mudslides and floods, severing roads and leaving many houses without water or power.
In Yatsushiro, Kumamoto Prefecture, authorities converted the local sports gymnasium into a shelter, with families separated off by cardboard walls (段ボールの壁) to prevent the spread of the virus.
For some local business owners already battered by the coronavirus crisis, the natural disaster has compounded their problems.
An official at a tourism bureau in the hot-spring resort in Yatsushiro said that the “beautiful tourism spot dramatically changed overnight.”
“The damage was beyond our imagination. It’s literally a bolt from the blue. (青天のへきれき) …
The disaster is a double-whammy as our hot spring resort was struggling to weather(乗り切る、しのぐ) the impact of coronavirus. We don’t know what will happen to us next,” he said.
※double-whammy=〈米俗〉二重苦、ダブルパンチ double punch/double blowでもOK