タイトル:Shogi prodigy Sota Fujii becomes youngest to win major title
Japan’s 17-year-old shogi sensation Sota Fujii became the youngest player ever to win one of the board game’s eight major titles after beating the holder in a best-of-five series.(5戦中3勝で勝利)
Fujii vanquished title defender Akira Watanabe, who holds two other titles and is regarded among the best in the world.
The teen phenom has been drawing the spotlight by surpassing numerous milestones, such as becoming, at 14 years 2 months, the youngest-ever player to turn pro, and then putting together a record-setting winning streak of 29 victories from his debut.

Fujii is still in high school and was three days shy of turning 18.
※shy of=不足して
Fujii, who hails from Aichi Prefecture, returned to official games June 2 after a hiatus of around two months amid the coronavirus epidemic.
※hail from=人が~出身である、(船が)~から来る The ship hails from Boston.
blankは『白紙の、無記名の、からっぽの』という意味の英語。『ブランクがある』は和製英語で、blank periodであればOK
“I am very happy but it hasn’t sunk in yet,” Fujii said about winning the kisei.
※sink in=沈む、浸透する、身に染みる、十分に理解される
※It hasn't sunk in yet. まだピンとこない。
“The title comes with responsibility so I will work even harder and do my best."
"Shogi is a complicated game, and there are many things I have yet to understand.
I would like to approach it with an inquisitive mind," Fujii said, as he held up a piece of paper on which he wrote the word "pursuit," or "tankyu," in Chinese characters at a press conference.
※inquisitive=①探求的な、研究好きな、知識欲のある ②(悪い意味で)詮索好きな、根掘り葉掘り聞く ←inquire(問い合わせる)より
His nationwide legion of fans expect him to add another major title soon to his fledgling collection.
※a legion of=大軍、多数の~