Internationally renowned Japanese fashion designer Yamamoto Kansai has died of leukemia. Earlier this year, Yamamoto announced he had been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia.
※acute=急性の ⇔chronic=慢性の
※myeloid=骨髄性の 骨髄=bone marrow
このpioneering (先駆的な) fashion designerは、1971年、27歳にして日本人として初めてロンドンでファッションショーを開催して以来、和洋折衷でアバンギャルド(前衛的)な作風で世界にその名を轟かせました。
Yamamoto was known for creating bold avant-garde pieces that defied gender norms and featured brilliant colors and patterns.
He won acclaim for his novel designs and bold, dynamic shows inspired by the traditional Japanese performing art of Kabuki. His avant-garde, creative work especially won the hearts of young people.
※defy gender norms性別の規範をものともしない、性の型にはまらない
His eye-catching designs, replete with saturated colors and vivid motifs, set him apart from many of Japan’s more minimalist fashion icons.
※replete with=~が充満した、いっぱい詰まった
※saturated colors飽和色 saturatedは、その色がとても強烈で強い、濃い。
the three elements of color(色の3要素)は、①hue=色相 ②color saturation=彩度 ③color value=明度

The Yokohama native debuted in London in 1971 as the first Japanese designer to organize a fashion show there. His collection in London brought him international recognition and a long-lasting friendship with some of the world’s most high-profile musicians, including Elton John, Stevie Wonder and the late English singer-songwriter David Bowie, whose alter-ego Ziggy Stardust wore Yamamoto’s bold and futuristic outfits for his 1972-73 Aladdin Insane tour.
※alter ego=分身、もう一人の自分、無二の親友
Yamamoto also worked outside of fashion. He produced large-scale live events in Japan, Russia, Vietnam, India and elsewhere. Aside from fashion events, he designed venues and social events for the 2008 G8 summit in Tokyo. He also designed the skyliner train that connects Tokyo Narita Airport to the city, winning him more awards.
※aside from =〔話題・問題など〕からそれて、~はさておき、~は別として/~に加えて、~の他に
⇔besides/in addition to the・・・/Other than・・・

On July 21st, my father, Kansai Yamamoto, passed away at the age of 76. He left this world peacefully, surrounded by loved ones. In my eyes, my father was not only the eclectic and energetic soul that the world knew him as, but someone who was also thoughtful, kind-hearted, and affectionate. He valued communication and showered me with love throughout my entire life.
父、山本寛齋は去る7月21日、 私を含め家族が看取る中、安らかに76歳にてこの世を旅立ちました。私にとって、父はエネルギッシュで明るいことはもとより、穏やかで、寛大で、人懐っこく、コミュニケーションを大切にし、無償の愛を与えてくれた存在でした。
A statement from his company said: "'Humans are possessed of limitless energy' was his motto. He never let this go, pursuing challenge after challenge no matter how hard things got."