Expressions related to the COVID-19 pandemic comprised half of the 30 terms nominated as buzzword of the year for 2020.
※buzzword=①専門用語 ②専門用語がテレビや新聞で多用されて流行語になったもの。 buzz=がやがや言う
The public became familiar with “sanmitsu” (the three Cs) amid frequent calls to avoid confined spaces, crowded places and close-contact settings.

“Abenomask,” which means “Abe’s mask” in Japanese and is a pun on former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s signature “Abenomics” economic policy mix, refers to the government distribution of two free washable cloth masks to all households in the nation as COVID-19 spread in late spring.

Among the candidates were also less positive words such as “jishuku-keisatsu” (self-restraint police), used to refer to a group of civilian vigilantes who pressured others to shutter their businesses or avoid going out.
コロナ関連の他のノミネートには、新しい生活様式=new normal、在宅勤務=telework/telecommute。workation (work+vacation)や、stay home、online〇〇(帰省や里帰り等)などがありました。

Buzzwords unrelated to the virus included the phrase “sōgō-teki, fukan-teki” or “a comprehensive and bird’s-eye view,” which has been used by Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga to explain his controversial rejection of six academics nominated to sit on a government advisory panel.
※comprehensive=包含的な、範囲の広い →overall, all-embracing
※bird’s eye view=鳥瞰図,(高い所から見渡す)全景

韓流ドラマの『愛の不時着』=英語タイトルはCrash Landing on Youや、鬼滅の刃=Demon Slayer、Uber Eatsや、solo camp、『あつまれ動物の森』=Animal Crossing 、Black Lives Matter、Go To キャンペーンもノミネート。レジ袋=plastic bagが有料となった後に増えたスーパーのかごを持ってかれるカゴパクも今年の現象でした。

The top 10 will be announced on December 1st.