
Veggie prices plunge in Japan as restaurant industry slumps amid pandemic.

※veggie=(口語)野菜、菜食主義者(vegetarian) veganは完全菜食主義者

Vegetable-producing areas have been plagued by the price falls. The price falls are attributable to favorable weather conditions leading to good harvests(豊作)and a slump in the restaurant industry amid the novel coronavirus pandemic.

※attributable to~=起因する、~のせいである

※外食産業the food-service industry/the restaurant industry/the eating-out industry


However, vegetable sales are sluggish. Due to the spread of the coronavirus, sales to restaurants and other businesses, which account for 10% to 20% of total sales, have stagnated while households have become more frugal.

※sluggish=動きが鈍い、不振な、不活発な  slug=ナメクジ

※stagnate=沈滞する、停滞する、不振に陥る 形容詞:stagnant



Vegetable prices have dropped significantly, making consumers happy but vexing farmers and retailers.

vex= ①〔しつこい行動で人を〕イライラさせるirritate ②~の心を乱す、悩ます、~をてこずらせるdisturb 

※~ gives someone a headache 頭痛の種となる

例えば白菜=Chinese cabbageが100円、だいこん=Japanese white radish/daikon radishが99円など。葉物野菜(leafy vegetable / leaf vegetable/leafy greens)は長持ちしないので在庫が増えると一気に値段が下落します。

⇔根菜root vegetable 値崩れを防ぐため、泣く泣く廃棄を選ぶ農家もあります。 

※廃棄する=dispose/throw away/scrap/discard

思い起こせば今年の夏は野菜の値段が高騰していました。野菜は値段の変動price fluctuationが激しい商品です。

Vegetable prices are surging in the nation due to poor crops(不作), blamed on unfavorable weather conditions such as a long spell of rain and a lack of sunlight.(7月30日)

※surge=(需要や物価が)急騰する surge=大波、うねり




見出し:Factory-grown veggies comfort Japan's germophobic shoppers

小見出し:Clean, automated facilities considered silver bullet for aging farm sector


※germophobic=細菌恐怖症の、極度の[病的な]潔癖性の 人の場合はgerm phobia

※silver bullet 〈米俗〉〔問題を解決するための〕確実な方法、特効薬
