Joe Biden was sworn in as president of the United States, offering a message of unity and restoration to a deeply divided country.
※be sworn in=宣誓して就任する
※take the oath of office=就任の宣誓をする
※be inaugurated=正式に就任する
Biden took the presidential oath, administered by U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts, with his left hand resting atop a 5-inch heirloom Bible.
※US Chief Justice=連邦最高裁判所長官
※heirloom=先祖伝来の家財、家宝、世襲財産、一家の伝統 heir(跡取り、相続人)+loom(道具)

social distancingで少ない聴衆に代わり一面の国旗がはためく中、就任演説でバイデン氏は『共和党と民主党が敵視し合う「不作法な戦争」を終わらす必要があると述べました。
Facing a sea of American flags set up to replace the crowds kept away by the coronavirus pandemic, Biden declared: “We must end this uncivil war that pits red against blue. … Let’s start afresh, all of us, let’s start to listen to one another again.”
※a sea of~=~の海、一面の
※pit A against B=AとBを闘わせる red=Conservatives blue=Democrats
これは大統領選中、トランプ氏が、米社会の分断は南北戦争=Civil War以来最悪だと指摘したことを皮肉った発言です。参列者の中には元大統領らの姿もありました。(トランプは欠席)レディ・ガガが国歌『星条旗』を披露しました。
The National Mall, typically packed with throngs of supporters, instead was filled with nearly 200,000 U.S. flags. Attending dignitaries - including former U.S. Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton - wore masks and sat several feet apart.
Lady Gaga sings national anthem, Star-Spangled Banner, at Biden inauguration(見出し)

Amid warnings of possible renewed violence, thousands of armed National Guard troops circled the Capitol in an unprecedented show of force.
※National Guard=州兵

就任から数時間後には、大統領執務室=Oval Officeで、15件の大統領令に次々と署名しました。「パリ協定」への復帰など、ドナルド・トランプ前大統領の主要政策を覆すものも含まれています。
Joe Biden wasted no time as the newly elected president of the United States by signing a flurry of executive orders on issues including Covid-19, immigration and the environment.
※waste no time= 早速、一刻も無駄にせず~する
※a flurry of~=相次ぐ、立て続けの
※executive order=〈米〉大統領行政命令=presidential decreeは使われいませんでした
Some of the executive actions undo policies from Donald Trump’s administration, including halting the travel ban from Muslim-majority countries, and ending the national emergency declaration used to justify funding construction of a wall on the US-Mexico border.
※undo=(一度したことを)元通りにする、元に戻す、取り消す →overturn、reverse
President Joe Biden’s pricey taste in timepieces is drawing bitter pushback on social media. The ticker(カチカチいうもの、俗語で時計) is one of a collection of high-end Swiss watches.
1月6日には、トランプ大統領が支持者にけしかけたとされる連邦議会襲撃事件=Capitol siegeが起き、5名が亡くなっています。暴徒と化した支持者は、白人至上主義者や陰謀論者とされます。
Incited by the President, Pro-Trump Rioters Violently Storm the Capitol(見出し)
The chaos erupted shortly after Mr. Trump gave a speech once again falsely claiming to have won a second term and vowing "we will never concede."
The mob that rampaged the halls of Congress included infamous white supremacists and conspiracy theorists.
※white supremacist=白人至上主義者
※conspiracy theorist=陰謀論者

The night before, he sent out a videotaped valedictory in which he touted his administration as one of the greatest in American history but-finally-conceded the presidency to Biden.
※tout=押し売りする、勧誘する ~だとほめちぎるas
President Donald Trump boarded Marine One this morning for one last chopper ride off of the White House South Lawn.
※Marine One=マリーン・ワン、米国大統領専用ヘリコプター 大統領専用機はAir Force One
※chopper=ぶったぎる道具、(口語)ヘリコプター →copter