センター試験改め「大学入学共通テスト」=Japan's standardized university entrance exams/unified university entrance examsが1月16日に全国で行われました。受験者=test taker/examineeが一名、マスクの着方をめぐり失格となりました。その受験者は鼻を出すマスクの着け方でした。=He was wearing his mask in the way that left his nose exposed.
A person sitting for unified university entrance exams was disqualified on Jan. 16 for ignoring repeated requests to wear their mask over their nose.(鼻を隠すように指示される)
→cover one’s nose with one’s mask
→put/keep one’s mask up past one’s nose
※sit for an entrance exam入試を受験する →take an exam
新聞の見出し:University exam-taker flunked for refusing to cover nose with a mask.

Test-takers were not allowed to take the exams unless they wore facial masks "correctly" due to the coronavirus pandemic.
49歳の受験者は、監督者=exam proctorから6回に渡って注意されましたが、指示に従わず、不正行為とみなされます。そしてその後トイレにこもり、駆け付けた警察によって逮捕されました。
After being told that he would be disqualified in the exam because his action amounted to(~に相当する) misbehavior(不正行為→misconduct), the man went to a restroom and shut himself in a stall.
→hole up in a toilet stall
A 49-year-old man has been arrested after refusing to vacate a toilet cubicle.
The man, whose name has been withheld, did not obey an order to come out of the toilet and a police officer was forced to climb over the cubicle wall to reach him, they said.
Examinees who are unable to wear masks due to special circumstances such as hypersensitivity(過敏症)are allowed to take the exams unmasked in another room if they apply for permission in advance. However, the test-taker in question did not apply for the special exemption.

Education minister Koichi Hagiuda supported the man's disqualification, calling it an "appropriate response" to improper conduct. "I heard that it was a situation that could not be overlooked as he was psychologically disturbing other examinees," Hagiuda said at a press conference.
People who wear glasses I think will understand, but if I put it up past my nose then my glasses fog up. If they get like that I can't read the questions.
※眼鏡が曇る=glasses fog up

Back on Sept 7, Japanese airline Peach Aviation had to suddenly divert(進路を変更する) one of its flights due to an unruly(規則に従わない、言うことをきかない)passenger.
A man was arrested Jan. 19 on charges of forcible obstruction of business(威力業務妨害) , assault(暴行), and other violations of aviation laws.(航空法違反)
There have been a number of conflicting opinions(意見の衝突) on whether face masks can prevent the new coronavirus from transmitting from one person to another.
However, an increasing number of countries have made wearing face masks mandatory in public spaces, with citizens facing a possible fine(罰金) if caught without one.