NYT見出し: Tokyo Olympics Chief Yoshiro Mori in Furor Over Sexist Comments
日経見出し:Olympics chief Mori's derogatory comments erode trust in games
The president, Yoshiro Mori, stoked a social media backlash after news reports emerged of his comments demeaning women during an executive meeting of the Japanese Olympic Committee that was held online.
Yoshiro Mori, 83, set off a storm on social media both at home and abroad this week by saying that women talked too much.
→women speak at length. ※at length 〔説明などが〕長々と、詳細に 〔長時間かかって〕
→women board members were too long-winded ※long-winded話が長い、くどい.
Mori's ill-considered remarks have undermined trust in the head of the organizing committee at this critical time.
→undiplomatic statements 外交的手腕のない、気の利かない
It goes without saying that sweeping generalization(ひとくくりにして決めつける) about women is a form of prejudice and discrimination.
何かと失言が多い事で知られる元首相=gaffe-prone former Japan PM
Mori is no stranger to controversy and his tenure(任期) as prime minister was marked by a string of gaffes and blunders.
※no stranger to~=~になじみがある
※a string of~ 一連の~、数々の~
Some 390 Olympic and Paralympic volunteers have decided to give up their roles in the wake of sexist remarks by Tokyo Games organizing committee chief Yoshiro Mori. (2月7日時点)
Mori's remarks triggered a backlash from the public as well as top corporate sponsors of the games. "His comments run counter to the spirit of Olympics that denounces discrimination and calls for friendship, solidarity and fairness.
※run counter to~に反する

謝罪会見で前言は撤回しましたが、それもqualified apology(限定的な謝罪)であるとされてしまいます。森氏の貢献を脇に置いて、メディアも団結して様々な非難の声を報道していました。
After a wave of criticism, Mori apologized and retracted his remarks.
Japan’s media join forces in a rare show of solidarity to attack Mori over sexist remarks(小見出し)
“It just feels like he’s passing the buck and not taking responsibility.”
※pass the buck=責任(を)転嫁する、責任逃れをする
Yoshiro Mori’s lack of remorse in the face of public outrage typifies Japan’s out of touch elite
※out of touch=実態を把握していない
Opposition party members don white jackets with white roses in homage to women‘s suffrage movement (小見出し)
※don 着用する ※suffrage=投票権、参政権

Seiko Hashimoto was appointed the new president of the Tokyo Organizing Committee after stepping down as Olympic minister.