Counterfeit prints based on paintings by Japanese masters such as Ikuo Hirayama and Kaii Higashiyama have been circulating in Japan for about eight years.
※counterfeit =偽造の、模造の→fake/名詞で偽造品、贋作/動詞で偽造する=forge
→forgery (貨幣や、美術品、文書等の)偽作、模写作
※master 【文語】(職業、技芸などの)精通者、達人、名匠 →high-profile Japanese-style painter

From time to time, paintings attributed to great masters are found to be counterfeits.
※attribute to=作品や発明等を(相当な根拠によって)~に作だとする
「日本現代版画商協同組合」(日版商)=Contemporary Graphic Art Dealers Association of Japan (Nippansho) が、同じ作品が不自然に多く流通していること気が付き調査をされました。
A member of Nippansho noticed that an unusually large quantity of the same prints were being distributed.
The counterfeits were elaborate enough to deceive many, except for specialists.
With the signatures and the coloring slightly unnatural, the works were revealed as forgeries when they were compared to original works stored in art museums.
※elaborate=手の込んだ、精巧な、入念な、精密な 動詞:念入りに作る ※発音の違いに注意
The dealer has admitted to selling the fake works to the association and was dismissed from the group in December.
→Nippansho stripped the man of his membership.
The MPD confiscated what appeared to be fake paintings related to the allegations.
Police are investigating the distribution of the work as copyright infringement.
※copyright infringement=著作権侵害 →動詞で著作権を侵害する、海賊版を出すpirate
権利の侵害がinfringement契約の違反はbreach 法律や規則の違反や抵触はinfraction 広義にはviolation
※警視庁=Metropolitan Police Department
An Osaka art dealer commissioned (委託する、美術家に制作を頼む) a workshop in Nara Prefecture to produce them.
He said, “I was in financial trouble and took his orders thoughtlessly,” and revealed that he had produced fake prints of about 40 works.
A department store operator has started checking the authenticity of the prints it has sold over the years.
Since receiving the report on Dec. 1, the retailer has identified customers of 59 out of the 71 pieces and plans on fully refunding those who have purchased any prints that have been appraised and determined to be fake by a third party.

There are many forged "hanga" prints gracing the walls of homes around Japan.
※grace=光彩を添える、美しく飾る 名詞:上品さ、優雅、(神の)恵み、寛大な処置