Asians are prone to nearsightedness.
※prone to=(通例よくない事についての)傾向のある、起こしやすい

Of people aged 20 and under, 96% of South Koreans, 95% of Japanese, 87% of Hong Kongers, 85% of Taiwanese and 82% of Singaporeans are affected by the condition, according to Kubota.
私は近視である=I'm near-sighted. →short-sighted →myopia I have myopia.
⇔遠視はfar-sighted, hyperopia
視力検査=eyesight test/visual acuity testを受ける際にはこのような指示をされた経験があると思います。
※acuity=①鋭さ ②明瞭度
Tell me or show me with your finger where the hole in the ring.
Do not squint(眼を細くして見る) at it.
You can say top, bottom, left, or right. (up/downは×)If you can’t see it, let me know.
You have 20/20(twenty-twenty)vision.=視力は1.0です。

Myopia is typically caused when the cornea and the retina in the eyeball are too far apart.
Proper light focus is then inhibited, leading to the blurred vision of objects at a distance.
※blur=ぼんやりさせる blurred=ぼやけた →blurry
眼鏡の種類の表現。近視眼鏡をかけている=I am wearing glasses for shortsightedness. もOKですが短く表現できます。
近視用眼鏡=distance glasses
老眼鏡=reading glasses
遠近両用メガネ=bifocals/bifocal glasses
見出し:Myopia correcting 'smart glasses' from Japan to be sold in Asia
小見出し:Kubota Pharmaceutical eyes Taiwan, Hong Kong, and ASEAN for gadget
Kubota began clinical trials(臨床試験、治験) on the device last July after confirming the therapeutic effect(治療効果)of the mechanism using a desktop system.

Developing non-invasive corrective methods for vision improvement would make the lives of billions of people around the world a lot easier, and pleasant.