Japan’s first vaccination against COVID-19 finally happened on Wednesday, making the country the last of the G7 nations to begin its rollout.
※vaccination=ワクチン注射、予防接種 →inoculation=接種
Japan formally approved Pfizer Inc.‘s coronavirus vaccine on Feb 14, the first greenlit for domestic use.
The fast-track approval by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare was a major step forward in the country's efforts to bring the pandemic under control.
※greenlight=計画などに正式の許可を与える give a green light to~ ゴーサインを出す
Japan’s first batch of COVID-19 vaccine arrived on Feb 12.
The government is planning to provide free coronavirus vaccinations to all residents age 16 and older.
※over 16にすると16歳が含まれなくなる
The government says it plans to inoculate about 40,000 healthcare workers in the initial phase.
About 10,000 to 20,000 front-line health care workers at about 100 state-run hospitals will be vaccinated first, followed by a further 3.7 million health care workers.
Other priority groups include 8.2 million people with chronic conditions.
※chronic=慢性の⇔acute急性の、他に基礎疾患のある人は、people with pre-existing conditions既往歴、持病や、people with underlying health conditionsなど

Each vial of the Pfizer vaccine was expected to contain enough for six doses.
But the type of syringes used in Japan can draw out only five, which means fewer people in the country will get the shot.

One hurdle to rolling out COVID-19 vaccines and achieving herd immunity in Japan is public skepticism.
※herd immunity =集団免疫 herd=群
Only 63.1 percent of respondents in a Kyodo News poll conducted this month expressed willingness to get a shot, while 27.4 percent said they were unwilling, apparently out of concern for side effects.
※side effect=副作用 ワクチンの場合は、正確には副反応という。英語は他にadverse reactionも
Japan stopped using the MMR vaccine in 1993, becoming one of only a few developed nations to shun the jab.
※MMR= measles(はしか), mumps(おたふくかぜ) and rubella(風疹 German measlesともいう)
※shun=(嫌悪・用心のために)避ける、忌避する avoid 以前ワクチン忌避のニュースはvaccine hesitancy
The prime minister, Yoshihide Suga, described vaccines as a gamechanger in the global fight against the pandemic.
※a gamechanger=形勢を一変させる[試合の流れを変え]物事、大きな影響を与える革新的なもの