A prominent Japanese scriptwriter, Hashida Sugako, has died at the age of 95 of acute lymphoma.(急性リンパ腫)
※prominent=卓越した、突出した、目立った、有名な →an acclaimed も
Hashida was born in present-day Seoul, South Korea, in 1925.
She joined major Japanese film studio Shochiku in 1949 and later became a freelance scriptwriter of TV dramas.

The NHK morning drama series "Oshin" was aired in 1983 and 1984.
The fictionalised drama, which went on to become an international hit, was based on the biography(伝記) of the Japanese woman who co-founded supermarket chain Yaohan.
It detailed her multiple hardships(幾多の試練、困難) from her childhood until her final days in the 1980s.
"Oshin" not only won high acclaim in Japan but also gained popularity all over the world. It was aired in more than 60 countries and regions, mainly in Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

Her other popular dramas include the long-running series "Wataru Seken wa Oni Bakari," or “Making it Through,” a family drama which started in 1990 and aired more than 500 episodes.
※Making It Through=うまくやり遂げる、乗り越える このドラマに英語タイトルがあったのですね!
タイトルは、『渡る世間に鬼はなし』 There is kindness to be found everywhere の逆バージョン。
Hashida also earned support from housewives with her use of dry humor(皮肉を込めたユーモア) to portray families.
She depicted very common issues in Japanese households such as the tensions between a housewife and her mother-in-law.(嫁姑問題)

The theme of a woman struggling to protect her family was also applied to a historical drama.
In "Onna Taikoki," aired in 1981, she adopted a female perspective to depict Japan's Sengoku period of constant civil war and social upheaval that lasted between the 15th and 16th centuries, focusing on the life of Nene, the wife of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, one of the most prominent warlords of the period.
Her scripts were known for lines that sometimes spanned over 10 pages.
Hashida was named a Person of Cultural Merit in Japan in 2015, and she received the Japan Order of Culture last year.

In her later years, Hashida stirred controversy by publishing a book in 2017 revealing her wish to die by euthanasia, which is not legally recognized in Japan.
Hashida wrote a book asking for the right to die in dignity.
"Dying is the last job for humans. I want to decide it myself," she said in an interview. According to her request, there will be no funeral.