A passenger train carrying 490 people has derailed in a tunnel in eastern Taiwan, killing 49 and injuring dozens more.
The death toll is the highest for a train crash in Taiwan in 73 years.
The newly-wed driver and his assistant were among those killed.
※derail=脱線する、脱線させる 名詞:derailment
※death toll=死者数 →fatality ※casualty=死傷者
Many of those on the train are believed to have been travelling to celebrate Taiwan's Tomb Sweeping festival - a time when people pay their respects to the dead by visiting the graves of family members, sprucing them up and making offerings to their spirits.
Many Taiwanese return to villages to tidy the graves of their ancestors.
※spruce up=こぎれいにする、身なりを整える
※make offering=お供えをする
※grave=墓 (tombより一般的)
The eight-carriage train packed with some 490 people was heading down the east coast. →車両:car/cargo

The rescue operation was hampered by the fact that some of the carriages had been badly mangled.
※mangle=ずたずたに切る、めったり切りする be mangled=(原型をとどめないほど)押しつぶす
Morgues in Hualien operated through the night preparing bodies for devastated family members.

Flags across the island are being flown at half-mast for three days.
Among those honoring the victims were baseball players from the Fubon Guardians team, who observed a minute's silence ahead of a game on Friday.
Dash-cam footage shows seconds before Taiwan train crash(見出し)
※dashboard camera ドライブレコーダー
The accident was caused by a railway maintenance truck that slipped down an embankment on to the tracks.
The truck driver has been detained, and prosecutors are seeking to determine if he failed to apply the handbrake or if there was a mechanical failure.
※サイドブレーキは和製英語→parking brake、emergency brakeもOK

The driver of a truck, an undocumented migrant and five others were charged with negligent homicide on April 16.
※undocumented 必要な法的書類のない→不法入国の
※migrant 季節労働者
※homicide 殺人犯罪