見出し:Japan‘s mass vaccination centers in Tokyo, Osaka get in full swing
※in full swing フル回転して、完全作動して
Japan’s government is trying to speed up its coronavirus vaccine rollout with the opening of two large-scale facilities in Tokyo and Osaka.
It aims to inoculate the country's 36 million seniors by the end of July.
According to the ministry, people who want to be vaccinated must enter their inoculation voucher number and date of birth, among other information, on a dedicated website to make a reservation.
※voucher =証拠書類、(サービスの)引換券
※dedicated website 専用HP
見出し:Centrally run sites aim to accelerate sluggish rollout, but face glitches
The launch was marred by flaws in the system.
※glitch= (技術上の)問題、故障
※mar 台無しにする、傷づける
※flaw 欠陥
Reporters testing whether it was possible to make a reservation with a fictitious voucher number and other information.
Newspaper journalists reserved jabs using arbitrary code and application numbers.
Following inoculations for senior residents, people with underlying conditions and those under 64 are awaiting vaccination.
The British variant is 40% more likely to cause severe COVID-19 symptoms than the conventional strain.
※variant 変体、変形、変異体、異形
※strain 菌株、種族
※conventional 従来の

Japan’s supply of the vaccine is not the only thing that has fallen short of demand.
Many local governments are having a hard time finding enough nurses to administer the shots.
※fell short of demand 需要に達しない
The government has amended procedures to allow dentists as well as doctor and nurses from the SDF to vaccinate, but that is not going to suffice.
Japan’s government is considering adding paramedics(救急救命士)and clinical laboratory technicians(臨床検査技師) to the list of those allowed to administer coronavirus vaccines.