The long-awaited Tokyo Olympics have officially kicked off.
It's been a long time coming, but the Tokyo Olympics have finally officially begun.
※be a long time coming 待ち遠しい、長らく待たれている(良いことがやっと実現した、という文脈で使われることが多い)

The ceremony and most of the competitions are being held without spectators.
Following strict anti-virus protocols, more than 11,000 athletes from about 200 countries and territories are streaming in to compete in a record 33 sports.
The athletes wore face masks and were told to keep social distance as they marched.
※stream in(to) なだれ込む、〈大勢が次々に〉入り込む
Tokyo 2020 had begun with a “muted ceremony” and “devoid of the usual crowd energy”.(APより)
※muted 黙った、抑えた →toned-down
※devoid of~ ~が欠けている
The Guardian said organizers had “played it safe” while the BBC reflected on a “somber tone".
※play it safe play 安全策を取る、安全第一でいく
※somber 地味な、陰気な、厳粛な
“It’s a decision I didn’t take lightly.・・・The thought of playing in front of empty stadiums just doesn’t sit right with me.”
※not sit well/right with 〔状況などが〕~にとってしっくりこない、違和感がある

One of the most striking sequences in the Tokyo Olympics' opening ceremony revolved around pictograms.
In the span of less than five minutes, three tireless performers managed to embody 50 disciplines from across 41 Olympic sports.
The impersonators transitioned from one symbol to another seamlessly.
※discipline秩序、統制、規律、訓練、懲罰道具、学問分野→競技、種別 event
These are the human embodiment of the kinetic pictograms.
※kinetic=運動の、活動的な ⇔static 動力学=kinetics
When Japan hosted the Olympic Games in 1964, organizers had to find a way to overcome the language gap.
Their solution: pictograms depicting each sport. The Games have used these pictograms ever since.

Over 1800 drones create an illuminated globe over the Tokyo Olympic stadium during the opening ceremony, as performers from around the world sing John Lennon's "Imagine."

Japanese baseball icons Hideki Matsui, Sadaharu Oh and Shigeo Nagashima were among the Olympic torch bearers.
The torch was also carried by doctors and nurses on the front lines of the novel coronavirus pandemic as well as children from Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures, the hardest hit during the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster.
Naomi Osaka was the final Olympic flame torchbearer(最終聖火ランナー), and lit the Olympic cauldron(聖火台) signifying the official start of the Games.