Japan set new Olympic medal tally records of 27 gold and 58 medals overall.
Momota eliminated (見出し)
Momota won a record 11 titles to cement his place as the undisputed(誰もが認める、明白な)best badminton player in the world and was a clear medal hopeful. →favorite 優勝候補、本命
The major upset came a day after Japanese tennis superstar Naomi Osaka also made an early exit.
※upset 意外な結果、番狂わせ
Momota admitted his killer instinct of old had not yet returned.
※killer instinct=殺人本能、気持ちの強さ、負けん気

卓球の混合ダブルス。同郷で12歳差の“みまじゅん”ペア(水谷隼と伊藤美誠)が、invincible(難攻不落な) Chinese pairを相手にepic gold-medalを手にしました。
The 32-year-old Japanese paddler hugged his compatriot.
※paddler カヌーのこぎ手、(略式)卓球選手 ※compatriot同国人
The two both hail from(~出身である) the city of Iwata, Shizuoka Prefecture.
When Ito was still a schoolgirl prodigy, Mizutani once gave her a piggy-back ride.
※prodigy 神童、天才
※piggy-back ride おんぶ、肩車
Yukiko Ueno pitched in a 2-0 victory over arch-rival US.
※名詞の前にarchがつくと、首位の、第一の、主要な、スバ抜けた EX: archbishop(大司教)
Yui Ohashi completes 200-400 individual medley double
※In individual medley events, the swimmer covers the four swimming styles in the following order:
butterfly, backstroke(背泳ぎ), breaststroke(平泳ぎ) and freestyle.

Japan's Abe siblings completed a golden judo double with younger sister Uta winning the women's 52-kilogram division shortly before older brother Hifumi snared the men's 66-kg crown.
Fencing-Underdogs(敗者、競技などで勝ち目のない人) Japan claim gold in men's team epee(見出し)
World number eight ranked Japan surprisingly secured the gold medal in the finals of the men's team epee event over the Russian Olympic Committee. Japan had trounced(完敗させる) top-ranked France in the quarter-finals, and cruised to victory over South Korea in the semis.
Japan’s Momiji Nishiya took gold home while Funa Nakayama bagged bronge.
※bag しとめて袋に入れる、捕らえる、手に入れる
Sakura Yosozumi, 19, and Kokona Hiraki, 12, grabbed the gold and silver medal, respectively.
Daiki Hashimoto celebrates after winning the gold medal in the artistic gymnastics men's all-around final.
After UCHIMURA Kohei's back-to-back wins, the 19-year-old gives Japan a third-straight all-around gold.
※back-to-back 連続の
個人総合男子は6種目:ゆか floor exercises、あん馬 pommel horse(米ではa side horse)つり輪 rings、跳馬 vault、平行棒 parallel bars、鉄棒 horizontal bar

Okinawa native Ryo Kiyuna mesmerizes in men‘s kata contest
※mesmerize 魅了する、とりこにする
In the kata discipline, practitioners demonstrate offensive and defensive techniques against a virtual opponent.
The final was held at Nippon Budokan, the spiritual home of Japanese traditional martial arts.(武道)