Chinese youth revolt against overwork culture by 'lying flat' (見出し)
※revolt against反乱を起こす、反旗を翻る
More and more Chinese 20-somethings are rejecting the rat race and 'lying flat' after watching their friends work themselves to death.
Amid slowing economic growth and hypercompetitive work environments, a small, youth-led group of Chinese urban professionals has chosen to “lie flat,” rejecting the traditional narratives of success and taking a laid-back, anti-consumerist approach to life.
※consumerist大量消費 の、消費者(優先)主義の
Across the country, young are getting tired of the fierce competition for college and jobs, and the relentless rat race once they get hired.
They're now embracing a new philosophy they've called "tang ping," or "lying flat."
※fierce competition熾烈な競争
※rat race厳しい生存競争、過当競争

Over 10 million Chinese high school seniors sat this year’s Gaokao, China’s make-or-break grueling college entrance exams.
※make-or-break 成功、運命を左右する
※grueling へとへとに疲れさせる
For most Chinese students, sitting gaokao is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, a painful rite of passage that few want to repeat.
It is a key opportunity for young people to move up the social ladder.
※once-in-a-lifetime experience一生に一度の経験
※rite of passage人生の通過儀礼
※move up the social ladder社会の出世階段を上る

China issued new regulations on education in July, reducing academic burdens on students and parents, known as “double reduction.”
ゆとり教育=education free from [of] pressure/education with latitude/education without cramming
China is clamping down on cram schools →crack down on
Private tutor rates have already skyrocketed in the aftermath of the chaotic crackdown.
China’s latest campaign to rein in its out-of-school education sector was meant to level the playing field for all.
※level the playing field 段差をなくして条件を平等、公平にする、ハンディをなくす
a level playing field 公平な条件、均等な機会