Chinese property giant Evergrande is on the brink of collapse. →on the verge of bankruptcy
The most indebted real estate firm on the planet, owing around A$408 billion continues to teeter on the brink of collapse.
※巨大企業:property giant / housing giant / property juggernaut
※teeter ぐらつく 米:シーソー
Evergrande Group faced a liquidity crisis(流動性危機), or a lack of cash or assets that can be converted easily to cash.
The conglomerates(複合企業) is facing one of China’s largest-ever defaults.(債務不履行,滞納)
Evergrande’s trouble came after years of unrestrained expansion during which its debts grew alongside its size and assets.
Founded in 1996, Evergrande has epitomized China's freewheeling era of borrowing and building.
※epitomize=典型となる、代表的存在である epitome縮図、典型
※freewheeling=〔車輪などが〕惰性で走行する (規則や責任等に)縛られない、自由奔放な
While predominantly(圧倒的に、主に) a real estate firm, in recent years the group has embarked on an all-out diversification(全面的な多様化)and a buying spree.(買いあさり、爆買い)

Financial insiders feared it could be China's "Lehman moment", a reference to the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.
There were serious concerns it could cause a credit crunch and have a contagion effect, spilling over into other companies and sectors.
※contagion effect(通貨危機の大きな)伝染効果、悪影響、波及効果。結果に当たる語はimpact/consequence/ramificationなども
Is Evergrande 'too big to fail’? There is a slim chance Beijing would allow such a behemoth to go under.
※too big to fail 大き過ぎてつぶせない 【略】TBTF
※behemoth 巨大なもの、巨大企業
※go under 沈没する、〔経営などが〕行き詰まる、 〔事業などが〕失敗する
But a state bailout is unlikely since Evergrande is the poster child(申し子、イメージキャラクター)for excess leverage in a sector in which policymakers want to instill more discipline.
※excessively leveraged corporation 債務過剰企業
※instill discipline 規律を教え込む

Evergrande shares are down about 90% in 14 months, while its dollar bonds are trading at 60-70% below par. "Stress is mounting for the most obvious grey rhino in China".
※灰色のサイ(Gray Rhino)とは、高い確率で大きな問題を引き起こすと考えられるにも関わらず、軽視されてしまいがちな材料を指します。草原に生息するサイは体が大きくて反応も遅く、普段はおとなしいのですが、一旦暴走し始めると誰も手を付けられなくなり、爆発的な破壊力を持つことから、比喩として用いられています。
※少しニュアンスは異なりますが、Elephant in the Room=An obvious problem or difficult situation that people do not want to talk about.と言ってもいいかもわかりません。
※ちなみにコロナの発生はblack swan=an unpredictable or unforeseen event, typically one with extreme consequencesと言われていました。
Evergrande has a 30-day grace period to make good on missed coupon payments, meaning a formal default could loom next week.
※grace period 猶予期間
※make good on (約束などを)履行する
※loom ぼんやりと現れれる