In the first round, four candidates vied for 764 votes, half from Diet members and half based on votes from rank-and-file members and members of affiliated groups.
※vie for 〔他の人と競って〕~を得ようと張り合う、~を奪い合う
※rank-and-file members 一般党員

Two female candidates -- Sanae Takaichi, a former minister of internal affairs and communications, and Seiko Noda, the LDP's executive acting secretary-general -- dropped out of the four-way race in the first round of voting
Former Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida won the ruling Liberal Democratic Party's presidential election in a runoff vote against vaccination minister Taro Kono.
High-profile minister Taro Kono, known for his frank replies to his 2.5 million Twitter followers, was seen by Japanese voters as the frontrunner.
Kishida is known as a moderate steady hand who heads a major party faction.
※steady hand 安定した人→safe pair of hands
※faction 派閥
Kishida has an image as a low-key consensus builder.
※low-key=控えめな、地味な、目立たない consensus builder 〔意見の〕まとめ役
他にはinoffensive(あたりさわりのない) bland and boring(味も素っ気もない)といった表現もありました。
The Cabinet of Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga resigned en masse Monday morning during an extraordinary Cabinet meeting.
※内閣総辞職resignation of the Cabinet en masse/en bloc
Fumio Kishida was officially elected as Japan's 100th prime minister after winning a majority of votes in both houses of parliament.
Kishida was named to the top government post by both chambers of the Diet at respective plenary meetings.
皇居での親任式= an Imperial investiture ceremony ※investiture=(官職や聖職の)授与、任官式、そして閣僚の認証式=attestation ceremonyを経て、午後8時すぎ正式に発足しました。
Japan‘s new Prime Minister Fumio Kishida was formally inaugurated in a ceremony with Emperor Naruhito at the Imperial Palace.

Fumio Kishida’s new administration features 13 rookie Cabinet ministers in an apparent attempt to provide a “fresh” image, but other picks show that old-fashioned political wheeling and dealing remains strong.
※wheeling and dealing 〔ビジネスや政治などで目的を達成するための〕策略、駆け引き
ご祝儀相場=honeymoon periodを楽しむもなく、衆院解散を14日、19日公示、そして31日総選挙と戦後最短の短期決戦がはじまります。
Newly elected Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida says that he will dissolve the Lower House on October 14, paving the way for a general election on October 31. →snap election
新聞の見出しにはHow Kishida can avoid becoming another revolving-door prime minister
※revolving-door =回転ドア、人の入れ替わりが激しい