Manga artist Takao Saito, who created the most prolific Japanese comic-book series of all time "Golgo 13", has died pancreatic cancer.
※pancreatic膵臓の pancreas膵臓
Born in western Japan in 1936, Saito had his first manga cartoon published in 1955, while he was working as a barber.

The manga follows the exploits of a highly skilled assassin.
the tale of a legendary professional hitman.
The protagonist, a superb sniper, notches successes in assassinating targets as he overcomes obstacles with his extreme skills.
※superb 実に見事な、最高の
※notch 獲得する、記録する
In the series, the main character "Golgo 13," who goes by the pseudonym Duke Togo, is a taciturn sniper and professional assassin for hire. His nationality, age and true name are a mystery.
※protagonist 主人公
※go by ~の名で通っている
※pseudonym 偽名、仮名
※taciturn 口数の少ない、無口な、寡黙な ⇔talkative
現実社会を反映している複雑なストーリーが魅力です。2018年にはビックコミックthe anthology magazine "Big Comic"の連載50年を迎え、2021年には単行本の201巻が発行され、ギネス世界記録の「最も発行巻数が多い単一漫画シリーズ」のカテゴリーで新記録を作りました。
“Golgo 13” contains complicated stories, reflecting what is happening around the real world.
語源:ギリシャ語でanthologia(花の収集) antho=花 logyコトバ
In July, when the 201st volume was published, the manga was listed in Guinness World Records as having the largest number of volumes of a single manga series.

"Golgo 13" was first printed in 1968 and has been adapted into anime series, video games and two live-action films.
※adapt into ~に適合する
In the 1950s he also helped create "gekiga", a realistic genre of manga aimed at adults.
Saito created what is known as "gekiga," a style of graphic manga that depicts the characters and story background realistically.
“My people hated that name, so we decided to call our work gekiga [literally ‘theatre-images’] to show that it was about drama,” Saito told The Financial Times in 2015.
“So, no, from the very beginning I have never been a manga artist. What I produce is drama.”
Saito established a system of division of labor for creating the manga, including for its scripting and illustration.
He was an advocate of dividing up the work process in creating manga and established a manga production company in 1964.
"The manga has continued so long that it is no longer the property of the author; it belongs to readers."
“Golgo 13” will continue to be carried in the magazine by Saito Production with help from the magazine editors, as per Saito’s instructions that the manga be continued after his death.
as per=~により、~のとおり