Princess Mako formally tied the knot with her commoner sweetheart Kei Komuro, relinquishing her royal status and bringing closure to a four-year engagement saga marred by scandal and public backlash.
※tie the knot結婚する ←2本のひもで結び目を作る様子から
見出し:Japan's Princess Mako defies odds to marry college sweetheart, gives up title(ロイター)
※defy the odds=オッズに打ち勝つ、不利な条件をはねのける、おこりそうにないことを成し遂げたときに使う表現です。
She forfeited her royal status as the Imperial House Law stipulates that a female imperial member must abandon her title if she marries a commoner.
※forfeit 〔権利・名誉などを〕失う、喪失する、剥奪される

この新婚カップルの結婚は異例尽くし"unprecedented for the imperial family"で式典も一時金もありません。
The path taken by the newlyweds has been like nothing seen before.
All traditional rituals and celebrations typical of a female royal’s marriage to a member of the general public were canceled.
While female royal family members traditionally receive a lump-sum payment of up to around 150 million yen ($1.3 million) , the agency has accepted Princess Mako's request to decline the payment.
The Imperial Household Agency revealed that the princess had been diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress disorder over what she felt to be the widespread vilification of her partner, his family and herself.
※vilification=悪口、中傷 動詞:vilify けなす、そしる、中傷する、毒づく
誹謗中傷:defamation, slanderや、libel(文書による)も
Mako's "dramatic" exit from the royal family is somewhat comparable to "Megxit".
The move has drawn inevitable comparisons with British royals Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, earning the newlyweds the nickname "Japan's Harry and Meghan".
“Morally, the Japanese people want them to be impeccable. There isn’t a place for Komuro in Japan.”
Did we fail to see the members of the Imperial Family as flesh and blood human beings?
※flesh and blood 血肉、肉体、生身の人間 →an actual human being

Komuro left Japan for law school in New York in 2018, and only returned in September for the wedding.
He arrived in Japan sporting long hair tied in a ponytail, which set off a media frenzy.
※media frenzyマスコミの狂乱(ぶり)、マスコミの行き過ぎた取材合戦
Some tabloid newspapers and social media users felt his hairstyle - seen as unconventional in Japan - was unbecoming of a groom set to marry a princess.
※unbecoming 〔態度や行動が〕不作法な、不適切な、不釣り合いな ⇔suitable
※groom=花婿、新郎 他動〔~を〕きれいにする、手入れする
He is irreplaceable.
※irreplaceable 〔特別な物・人なので〕他のものと代わりがきかない、かけがえのない。
Kei is a precious being for me. 貴重な存在
Women are not eligible to ascend the Japanese throne, and succession must be patrilineal, which limits the number of possible future monarchs.
※patrilineal父方の、父系の【語源】pater(父=father)+ linea(線=line) male line ⇔matrilineal
With the decline in the number of imperial family members, now at 17, the difficulty of continued stability for ascension to the Chrysanthemum Throne has also emerged as a pressing issue.
Kei Komuro, the newlywed husband of former princess Mako, failed the New York State bar examination.
Japan’s former princess Mako and her husband Kei Komuro left Tokyo for the United States where they will begin their new life together.