8月14日小笠原諸島の硫黄島南およそ50キロにあるの海底火山「福徳岡ノ場」で11年ぶりに噴火。気象衛星= weather satellite「ひまわり」が噴煙=volcanic plumeを観測しました。
According to the Japan Meteorological Agency(気象庁), the eruption of Fukutoku-Okanoba, the undersea volcano in the Ogasawara island chain began on Aug. 13 and was one of the largest in postwar Japan.
※海底火山は辞書にはsubmarine volcan/sea-floor volcanoも。

Many parts of the main island of Okinawa have been affected by the pumice stones floating from the Ogasawara island chain, located some 1,000 kilometers south of Tokyo.
Massive amounts of volcanic pumice pebbles spewed from an undersea volcano in the Pacific Ocean have been piling up on southern Japanese coasts.
※軽石:pumice stone/pumice 語源は古フランス語で“foam”
ロングマンpumice説明:very light grey rock from a volcano that is crushed to a powder and used for cleaning
※spew=吐く、吐き出す、噴出する →belch outやvomitが使われることも
※流れ着くにあたる語はreach/ wash ashore/wash up/ drift ashore
A Japan Coast Guard patrol vessel was stranded Saturday after encountering the pebbles off the coast of Okinawa.
A large numbers of fish cultured in a pen in Hentona port died after swallowing pumice.
※pen=〔家畜の〕おり、囲い いけすはfish penやfish cage
※culture=培養する、栽培する →養魚:fish culture/fish farming/pisciculture
軽石を食べ物と間違った:The fish mistook the pumice for food. ※mistake A for B =AをBと間違う
The prefectural government said as of Oct. 25, operators of 756 fishing vessels decided not to go out to sea to avoid engine trouble caused by the floating stones.

Unprecedented removal operations(前例のない撤去作業)
現場の声:"We have no choice but to proceed with the cleanup work by trial and error."

“We need to act quickly as there is a huge impact on the fisheries and tourism industries as well as the environment,” Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki told the officials.
The officials agreed to set up a task force to consider ways to deal with the stones. They also agreed to seek state subsidies to cover costs to deal with the situation.
The pumice will likely reach Shikoku and other parts of Japan’s main islands via the north-flowing Kuroshio Current.