東京京王線、10両=car/carriageの上り特急電車=an inbound Keio Line limited express train bound for Shinjukuで、10月31日ハロウィーンの夜、24歳の男(服部)が、刃渡り30センチのサバイバルナイフと殺虫剤を取り出し、注意をした男性の顔に殺虫剤をかけ胸を刺すという事件が起きました。
Immediately after the 10-car train departed Chofu Station, Hattori took out a knife with a blade 30 centimeters long and pesticides from his backpack.
※pesticide=殺虫剤 →insecticide
A nearby 72-year-old male passenger saw him and asked Hattori, “What are you doing?” Hattori splashed some pesticide over the man’s head and then suddenly stabbed the man in the right side of his chest.

He splashed around lighter fluid and then set the liquid ablaze. Passengers ran screaming down the aisles of train carriages and scrambled out of windows to escape.
※set ~ ablaze ~に火をつける
※scramble out of ~から飛び出る、はい出る →climb out
Kyota Hattori, 24, of unknown address and occupation, was arrested at the scene on suspicion of attempted murder and arson. Police referred Hattori to the public prosecutor’s office on Nov. 2.
見出し:⇒Halloween night stabbing rampage/spree
He arrived at Shibuya, a major gathering spot for Halloween partygoers.
He walked around the streets of Shibuya, which were packed with costumed revelers.
※gathering spot 多く人が集まるたまり場
※partygoer パーティ参加者
※reveler お祭り騒ぎをする人 revel:大いに楽しむ、どんちゃん騒ぎをする、酒盛りをする
The Metropolitan Police Department(警視庁) learned that Hattori had caused trouble at his workplace in June and quit his job.
The 24-year-old suspect told police that he had planned to commit the heinous crime since June.
“I wanted to commit mass murder and be executed. I started premeditating the crime from June and decided on Halloween because many people would be out,” he said, according to sources.
Hattori was wearing a purple suit and a green dress shirt when he was arrested on the train on Oct. 31 and said he was dressed as the Joker, a villain from the Batman comic books.
“I copied the Joker,” he said, adding that he “admired” the character because, “The Joker is so comfortable with murdering people.”
The costume was “my best outfit that I purposefully purchased to wear for this day,” he told police.

地元の同級生たちは、目立たない存在だったと驚きの声を上げています。成人式=the Coming of Age Day celebrationであった男性は、“He had little presence.” (存在感がほとんどなかった)と述べました。
The violent incident shocked Hattori’s hometown friends, with some describing him as having a “low-key personality.”