The new skipper of the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters has issued his first order.
“Don’t address me as ‘manager,’” Tsuyoshi Shinjo said at a news conference held in a hotel in Sapporo on Nov. 4. “Please call me ‘Big Boss.’”
※address A as B=AにBと呼びかける
The ever-flamboyant Shinjo, 49, walked onto the stage in a reddish-brown suit with the big collar of a white shirt turned up high.
※flamboyant 〔服装などが〕きらびやかな、派手な、飾り立てた→flashy
At the presser, Tsuyoshi Shinjo flashed a “hang ten” sign and preened for the cameras.
※presser 圧搾する人、圧搾機、アイロンかけ職人/〈話〉記者会見=press conference
※flash ぴかっと光る/〔~を〕見せびらかす、〔視線や微笑を〕投げ掛ける
※hang ten (サーフィン)ハング・テン アロハポーズ(和製英語)
※preen for the camera=カメラを意識して気取る[澄まし顔をする・笑顔を浮かべる]
"Honestly speaking, I was more surprised than anyone (by the offer)," said Shinjo, who will wear his old No. 1.
"On one hand, I wondered if it was OK for me to do it. On the other, I thought maybe I was the only one for the job."

The former outfielder’s(外野手) multiple skills won him widespread popularity in Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB) and earned him roster(ベンチ入りできる登録メンバー) spots on the San Francisco Giants and the New York Mets of the major leagues.
The flashiest star in the Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters universe can still effortlessly own a room.
※effortlessly 〔難しい演技・作業などを〕苦もなく、楽々と、苦労せずに[することなく]
Shinjo never disappointed fans with his performances on and off the field, known as “Shinjo Theater.”
Shinjo’s off-field antics(ふざけ、おどけ), including his flashy(けばけばしい) fashion sense, self-praise(自画自賛) for his physical appearance and stream of unreserved(遠慮のない、率直な) comments, have often brought about laughter(笑いを誘う), or even shock, among even people who do not follow baseball. The arrival of the unconventional(型にはまらない、自由な) manager has already raised expectations among fans in Hokkaido.
Although he retired as a pro player in 2006, he expressed a desire for a comeback and took part in an NPB tryout in December 2020.
“I got goose bumps,「鳥肌が立った」” he said. “I’m jealous of players who can play here. I’ve seen many stadiums in the United States, but this stadium will cause a buzz(話題になる) around the world.”
※get/have goose bumps 鳥肌が立つ
※cause a buzz 話題になる、バズる
The new manager’s jersey number(背番号) will be “1,” the same he wore as a player.
※背番号=jersey number/number on uniform/uniform numbe
The Fighters won’t be boring with Shinjo as the face of the organization. The jury is still out, however, on what kind of team they’ll be with Big Boss in the dugout.
※jury is still out 陪審はまだ外で協議中である → 結論や答がまだ出てない