Peng Shuai dropped a #MeToo bombshell on social media.
※drop a bombshell= 爆弾発言をする
Peng said she entered an extramarital relationship with Zhang, but she suffered "too much injustice and insults."
※extramarital 【形】婚外の、不倫の
Chinese tennis star accuses former top Communist Party leader of sexual assault, triggering blanket censorship(CNN見出し)
※sexual assault=性的暴行
Her lengthy post, published shortly after 10 p.m. on Tuesday, was deleted in under 30 minutes.
※30分足らずで under 特定の時間以内に ≒less than
The swift and thorough censorship stands in stark contrast to the response to other recent high-profile #MeToo cases
中国系のメディアはPengさんの動画を出していますが、Peng Shuaiの本当の安全と行方に世界が懸念をしています。
Global Times, a Chinese government-affiliated media organisation, had posted videos on Twitter, showing her in public.
In one posted on 20 November, Peng was having a meal in a restaurant with other people.
China Open published pictures of Peng at the Fila Kids Junior Tennis Challenger Finals .
The well-being and whereabouts of Peng, a three-time Olympian, became a matter of international concern following a nearly three-week public absence.

見出し:Was Peng Shuai’s ‘Winnie the Pooh’ selfie a distress signal?
※distress signal 遭難信号、SOS
The cartoon character is used as a derogatory nickname for President Xi.
※derogatory 軽蔑的な、権威を傷つけるような、

The IOC says Peng Shuai is safe. Experts say the IOC has become a vehicle for Chinese propaganda.
IOC rapped for promoting China propaganda over tennis player call(どちらも見出し)
※vehicle for (目的達成の)手段、媒介
※rap for=~を厳しく批判[非難]する
The Women’s Tennis Association decided to pull the plug on its business in China if Peng’s whereabouts are not fully accounted, according to its head Steve Simon.
※ pull the plug on 生命維持装置を外す、 〔活動など〕を打ち切る
→ call it quits 終わりにする、縁を切る
→steer clear of 避ける、関わらない
The WTA’s boycott decision marked a significant shift in how sports associations have dealt with China.
In the past, organizations have rapidly backed down from rows with Beijing for fear of losing its lucrative market.
※back down from〔議論等から〕手を引く,折れて出る
※row 口論、騒動 〔ráu〕
※lucrative もうかる、利益の上がる ≒ profitable
※steer clear of=~を避ける、~を遠ざける、~に関わらない
The US has announced a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in China. (Dec 7)
The White House said no official delegation would be sent to the Games because of concerns about China's human rights record.
China slammed the United Kingdom‘s and Canada’s decisions to join the US‘ diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.
China also termed the move by two countries as a “farce”. (Dec 9)
※ slam 強く打つ、激しく非難する
※ farce 茶番劇、道化芝居