Twenty-five people were killed after a fire raced through a mental clinic in an eight-story multiple tenant building in a bustling area of Osaka, with murder and arson suspected, police said.
(その後death tollは26名になりました)
※辞書で雑居ビルはomnibus building/social buildingも。
※bustle 活気などがあふれる

The blaze, with flames and smoke billowing out of shattered windows, was nearly extinguished by around 10:45 a.m. after burning an area of 25 square meters, about a third of the clinic's floor space.
※billow (文語)(大海の)大波(のように押し寄せるもの、起伏するもの)〔炎・煙などの〕うねり 動詞で大きく波うつ
※extinguish 消化する→put out
27 people were found in a state of cardiopulmonary arrest after the fire had been brought under control.
※cardio=心臓の pulmonary=肺の
※arrest 逮捕/抑制(医学)停止
The website of the clinic says it provides psychosomatic and psychiatric treatments.
※psychoが精神、心理 somaticが身体の、肉体の psycho -somaticは、心身相関の。ストレスのような心理的要因で引き起こされる、または悪化すると考えられる疾患を言う
※psychiatric=精神医学の; 精神病治療法の
The clinic opened at 10 a.m., with many people believed to have come for a group treatment session for those looking to return to work after taking medical leave.
Among the 25 people who died in the attack, including the clinic’s 49-year-old director Kotaro Nishizawa, 24 people died of carbon monoxide poisoning.
A security camera at the clinic showed a man walking into the reception area with a paper bag, which he put on the floor and kicked.
As liquid poured out of the bag, he ducked down and moved his hand, and then a blaze shot up to the ceiling, with flames and smoke erupting.
Tanimoto allegedly pushed back people who tried to return to the waiting room to get to the exit.
Adhesive tape believed to have been used to seal the door from the outside was also found before the incident.
Traces of other traps have also been found at the clinic.
What appeared to be a repair material was applied in a gap in the door to the fire hydrant embedded in a wall, apparently in a move to prevent the door from opening.
Evidence shows the arson attack was premeditated and intended to kill as many people as possible.

谷本盛雄容疑者(61)は、母を早くに亡くし、妻とも離婚。勤務していた板金工場= sheet metal factoryを退職し孤立を深めたとされます。自殺願望があったと思われ、10年前には長男に対する殺人未遂事件で実刑判決を受けていました。
While the motive for the attack remains unclear, testimonies of people who know Tanimoto and his employment history suggest he lived a lonely life after going through a divorce and the deaths of family members, and he had suicidal thoughts.
Tanimoto also attempted to murder his eldest son in April 2011 and the Osaka District Court later sentenced him to four years in prison over the case.
He thought of killing other people so he could then bring himself to end his own life.
※testimony 証言
※suicidal 自殺願望のある
Morio Tanimoto never regained consciousness from acute carbon monoxide poisoning and died at a hospital on Dec. 30.
His death will make it harder to determine the motive for the arson attack.
The deceased suspect in a deadly arson attack on a mental health clinic in Osaka may have wanted to carry out what’s known as “extended suicide,” triggered by a strong extrapunitive tendency.
Some suicidal people develop a strong extrapunitive reaction in which they blame others for misfortunes in their lives.
In such cases, they may commit mass murder out of revenge.
※extrapunitive 他罰的な、他責型の 拡大自殺は辞書ではmurder-suicide、homicide-suicideも。