今年の干支=the twelve zodiac signsは虎。zodiacとは、黄道帯、獣帯。天文学において地球から見た天球上の太陽の軌道にあたる黄道を中心とする帯状の領域にあたる想像上の球帯です。
The Japanese zodiac is based on a 12-year cycle. Each year has a symbolic animal.
The 12 animals are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit/Hare, Dragon, Snake/ Serpent, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster/Chicken, Dog, Boar.
子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥ですね。Chinese zodiac では最後の年が、Boar (亥) ではなく、Pig (豚) です。
A tiger attacked three keepers at a safari park north of Tokyo on Wednesday, with one of them having her hand bitten off.
※飼育員 keeper 動物園の飼育員=zoo keeper

According to the park operator, the tiger was not in its fenced enclosure as expected but in the corridor leading to an exhibition area when it came across the keepers and attacked them.
※enclosure 囲われたもの
※come across …に偶然出くわす →come into contact with
Around 8:55 a.m., an animal doctor shot Volta with a tranquilizer gun.
※tranquilize 落ち着かせる、鎮静する tranquilizer鎮静剤
※獣医 a veterinarian
※麻酔 anesthesia
The female keeper who lost her right hand was transported by a medical helicopter. The two others were also taken to hospital.
The safari park has over 700 animals, including about 70 big cats. (大型ネコ科の動物)
These include white lions and tigers, which roam free and visitors can see from their cars in the park.
※roam 歩き回る、放浪する
Tochigi prefectural police on Jan. 7 searched the Nasu Safari Park.
About 20 investigators entered the main office with cardboard boxes and seized documents and other possible evidence of professional negligence resulting in injury.

The 10-year old male Bengal tiger is around 2 meters in length and weighs 150 kilograms.

事故後、同園には、ケガをした飼育員を気遣うメールや電話の他、ボルタを殺処分=put to sleep/put down/euthanizeしないでくださいという声も多いといいます。支配人は「管理動物のやったことはみな人間の責任です。ボルタが殺処分されることはありません」
Brown bears are the largest land mammal in Japan and can only be found in Hokkaido nationwide.
Brown bears have been causing serious problems in Hokkaido this fiscal year, killing four people and injuring eight others as of the end of November, with 2,163 sightings.
These figures have all hit record highs.

There were springtime hunts of brown bears still in hibernation or just waking up to curb their numbers. The policy was abolished in 1990, and there are estimates that the prefecture's brown bear population has doubles since.
※hibernation冬眠 ラテン語で『越冬する』が語源
The increasing number of interactions with brown bears is believed to be the result of a lack of food and their increasing population, as the Hokkaido prefectural government suspended a campaign to cull them decades ago.
Brown bears faced a serious food shortage last year with fewer chum salmon and pink salmon migrating upstream, as well as fewer acorns.(どんぐり)