On the morning of Jan. 15, there was a massive eruption of an underwater volcano in the waters off Tonga, producing a plume over 16,000 meters high.
Experts described shock waves from the eruption as a "once-in-a-century" event.
※plume=大きくて派手な羽 (小さい羽根はfeather)→(文語)(煙、雪煙、水柱などが)羽毛状に空中に上がったもの、噴煙 ・煙柱 pillar of smoke
The eruption was so loud it could be heard in New Zealand, some 2,383km from Tonga.
It triggered tsunami warnings in several countries, including Japan and the US.
Photo taken Jan. 16, 2022, from a Kyodo News helicopter shows capsized and partially submerged boats at the port of Muroto in Kochi Prefecture.
※capsize 転覆する、させる
※submerge 浸水させる
トンガ王国(Kingdom of Tonga)南太平洋に浮かぶ大半が無人島の170余りの島々から成る、立憲君主国です。
Tonga is a nation of about 170 islands, of which 36 are inhabited with population of about 107,000.
Tonga is a constitutional monarchy.(立憲君主制)It is the only remaining indigenous monarchy in the Pacific islands.
※constitutional monarchy立憲君主制(政府)
憲法の規定内で君主が国家元首となる政治形態。憲法の規制を受けない絶対君主制(absolute monarchy)と異なる
Tonga has enjoyed stability and relative prosperity for many decades with its citizens having high rates of adult literacy and longevity.(識字率と長寿)
Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako attended the official coronation ceremony for King Tupou and Queen Nanasipau on July 4, 2015.
As the sky darkened with ash, videos showed traffic jams as people fled low-lying areas by car.
Hours later, Tonga's internet and phone lines went down, making the island's 105,000 residents almost entirely unreachable.
Videos shared on social media after the eruption showed people running for higher ground.
※low-lying 土地が低い、低地の
※higher ground 高台
Satellite images suggest some outlying islands (離島)have been completely submerged by seawater.
※outlying 中心、主要部から離れた、へき地の →remote
Satellite imagery appeared to show Tonga’s uninhabited Nuku and Tau islands completely eroded.
The eruption "obliterated" a volcanic island north of the Tongan capital Nuku'alofa, the agency said.
Photos show entire island communities blanketed by thick volcanic ash and debris.
The island nation looks "like a moonscape" after it was coated in a layer of volcanic ash.
※moonscape ①月面の風景 ②月面のように荒涼とした風景、不毛地帯

Tonga says more than four-fifths of the population has been affected by the tsunami and falling ash.
At least three people were killed, including a British woman living in Tonga who ran an animal rescue center and who was swept away by waves that reached up to 50 feet on parts of the islands.

The eruption this month of an underwater volcano near Tonga was hundreds of times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb, according to NASA.
Humanitarian aid to Tonga is ramping up after the airport was cleared of ash, making it safe for planes to land.
Tonga struggles to deal with ash and the psychological fallout of last week's volcanic eruption and tsunami.