Hostage-taker arrested after 11-hour standoff(見出し)
※hostage taker人質犯人
※standoff にらみ合い、こう着状態
Police stormed the house and arrested a the suspect, Hiroshi Watanabe, 66 who was holed up for eleven hours.
※hole up 隠れる、潜む
The dead hostage was 44-year-old doctor Junichi Suzuki, the police said.
He was killed with a shotgun and died of cardiac rupture (心破裂)almost instantly after a bullet fired from close range pierced his chest, an autopsy(司法解剖) showed.
The accompanying 41-year-old physiotherapist(理学療法士)who was also shot remains unconscious.
→physical therapist
A male caregiver in his 30's was able to dodge a bullet but pepper-sprayed.
→tear gas spray
According to neighbors, Watanabe was living with his 92-year-old bedridden mother and had little contact with them.
※bedriddent 寝たきりの 〇〇 riddent ~に支配された、~に悩まされて
The mother, who had been confined to bed, passed away at around 4 p.m. on Jan. 26.
The doctor ran a clinic providing a home visit nursing service, treating about 300 home care patients.
Watanabe's mother used the service. Suzuki had attended her on her deathbed.
※on one’s deathbed 死の床に、死を目前にして、臨終を迎えようとして
Police say three medical workers visited Watanabe‘s home on Thursday night to offer their condolences.
The suspect requested that his mother be resuscitated by performing heart massage.
※弔問する make a condolence visit
※線香をあげる offer incense (sticks)
※resuscitate 生き返らせる、蘇生させる

A man who died during a hostage standoff was a beloved doctor.
He was wearing not a suit, but a white coat with a stethoscope hanging from his neck as he said, "I never know when I'll be called to someone's home."
※stethoscope 聴診器 steth 胸+scope ~鏡 検~器
In recent years, there have been instances of medical workers being subjected to physical and verbal abuse by patients or their family members, and the issue has become a social problem.
As Japanese society grays, the significance of in-home medical care services is ever increasing.
It is necessary for society as a whole to devise measures to protect the safety of health care professionals.