見出し:Japan to change 120-year-old paternity rule in civil code
This would mark the first revision of the relevant provision in the Civil Code, which took effect in 1898 during the Meiji Era.
※民法=civil code/civil law ⇔ 刑法 penal code/criminal law
嫡出推定は、文字通りに表現するとPresumption of Child in Wedlock
A clause that bans women from remarrying within 100 days of a divorce will be scrapped.
Similar remarriage bans on women have been lifted in other countries to abolish gender inequality.

A 19th-century law automatically recognizes a woman's ex-husband as the father of a child born within 300 days of their divorce.
As per a proposed amendment to the Civil Code, if a mother remarries then her new husband will be considered as the child's father.
家庭内暴力等の問題で子どもが前夫の子となるのを避けるため、母親が出生届を出さず、子供が無戸籍児 an unregistered childとなる問題を解消する目的があります。
There are no government-issued birth certificates in Japan. Instead, when a child is born, a birth notification is submitted to the local municipal office to add the baby to the parents' family register.
Some remarried women have decided not to register the birth of their newborns to local governments, fearing their ex-husbands would be considered fathers.
(for reasons including domestic abuse)This means such babies do not get registered in their koseki (family registration), depriving them of their nationality.
As of January 2022, the Justice Ministry was aware of 825 individuals with no family register -- 591 of them apparently because the 300-day paternity law had made their mothers reluctant to submit a birth notification.

In 2007, Jikei Hospital installed a baby hatch dubbed the “storks' cradle .”(コウノトリのゆりかご)
An underage woman have given the first “confidential birth” under Jikei Hospital’s system that allows women with unplanned pregnancies to remain anonymous.
The Kumamoto city government has decided to allow Jikei Hospital to proceed with its confidential birth system, which lets a baby be registered without the mother's name.
A Civil Code clause recognizing parents’ rights to discipline their children will be deleted, in order to prevent child abuse in the name of discipline.
①訓練、鍛錬、修養 ②規律、躾、風紀 ③懲戒、せっかん ④学科subject学問
動詞①しつける、訓練する ②懲戒する、罰するpunish、せっかんするchastise
Instead, a provision banning parents from taking actions including child abuse, which would negatively affect the healthy growth of children, will be added.