The 24th Winter Olympics concluded Feb 20 after a 16-day extravaganza at the Beijing National Stadium, known as the Bird's Nest.
China’s notorious human rights record, including its widespread suppression of free speech, a crackdown on pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong and accusations of genocide against the minority Uyghur population in Xinjiang province, pushed several nations, including the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada, to declare a diplomatic boycott of the Games.
Japan had its best showing at a Winter Games in terms of total medals, reaching the podium 18 times.
The last of Japan’s 18 came on Sunday morning when popular women’s curling team Loco Solare outdid its bronze from that tournament with silver.

Ski jumper Ryoyu Kobayashi ended a 24-year gold drought for Japan when he won the men’s individual normal hill event. He finished second on large hill.

Japan’s winningest athlete was speedskater Miho Takagi, who set an Olympic record to win gold in the women’s 1,000 meters and captured silver in the 500, 1,500 and team pursuit, the latter alongside sister Nana Takagi and teammate Ayano Sato.
※winningest=(話)もっとも勝率の高い、最多勝利の the winningest pitcher最多勝投手

The most dramatic gold for Japan undoubtedly went to 23-year-old snowboarder Ayumu Hirano, who rebounded from a controversially underscored second run.
Hirano nailed a triple cork 1440 — a mind-boggling three flips and four rotations — in all three of his runs in the final of the men’s snowboard halfpipe, giving him a well-earned gold.
※mind-boggling 度肝を抜かれる、びっくり仰天の、想像を絶する
Five jumpers were disqualified for wearing loose-fitting suits.
The 15-year-old Kamila Valieva is at the center of an ongoing doping scandal after competing at Beijing 2022 despite testing positive for a banned substance late last year.
※test positive for a banned substance禁止物質で陽性反応が出る

アメリカから中国に国籍変更した選手Eileen Gu(谷愛凌)はご都合主義だと非難を受けていました。
SF-born ski star Eileen Gu’s decision to represent China at the 2022 Olympics called ‘opportunistic’.
※opportunistic/opportunism =日和見主義(の)、御都合主義(の)チャンスを逃さない事、~の
Due to strict quarantine bubble, people are only allowed to shuttle from their hotels, the press center, and various Olympic venues on specially designated buses and trains.
There is no mingling with the regular population.
In clear violation of the Olympic Truce, Russian forces launched a military assault on Ukraine.
The Olympic Truce started seven days before the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and runs until seven days after the conclusion of the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics - March 20.