Ukraine stands at the center of a geopolitical rivalry between western powers and Russia, and that rivalry is flaring up once again.
※geopolitical rivalry between ~間の地政学的競争
Ukraine has been described as a buffer state between Russia and the NATO bloc.
※buffer state=緩衝国
※NATO(読み方ネイトウ)=North Atlantic Treaty Organization(北大西洋条約機構)
Ukraine was once known as the breadbasket of Europe.
※breadbasket ※パンかご、穀倉地帯
Famine, subjugation and nuclear fallout: How Soviet experience helped sow resentment among Ukrainians toward Russia(見出し)
※famine 飢饉(スターリンのcollectivist集団農業政策が招いた1932-33年の大飢饉ホロドモールを指す)
※subjugation 〔武力による国民や国家の〕征服、服従させること
※nuclear fallout 放射線降下物(1986年のチェルノブイリ原発事故を指す)
※sow resentment 怒りの種をまく
Putin signed a decree recognizing the separatist regions of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states.
地域のことは、breakaway regions (分離地域)や、separatist enclaves(飛び地)
勝手に主張したという、self-style republicsやself-proclaimed republicsの表現も。
By air, land, and sea, Russia has launched a devastating attack on Ukraine.
Ukraine's government called it “a full-scale attack” from multiple directions. ⇒all-out invasion
Russia continued its multi-axis invasion of Ukraine. ⇒multi-pronged attack.
※multi-axis多軸の ※pronged=(軍)あらゆる方向からの
Russian troops are closing in on Ukraine's capital.
※close in on~徐々に近づく[迫る・肉薄する]、~を包囲する、~に接近して閉じ込める
Kyiv residents braced for another night sheltering underground.
➾brace for〔困難・不快なことに〕備える
NATO is a defensive alliance and its 30 member states are adamant not to change.
Putin has not only demanded that Ukraine never join NATO but that the alliance turns the clock back to 1997 and reverses its eastward expansion.
He claimed his goal was to protect people subjected to bullying and genocide and aim for the "demilitarization and de-Nazification" of Ukraine.
The United Nations General Assembly has voted to demand that Russia stop its offensive and immediately withdraw all troops.
Crude oil jumped while the rouble plunged nearly 30% to a fresh record low after new sanctions were imposed, including blocking some banks from the SWIFT international payments system.
The United Nations human rights office said on March 8th that it had verified 1,335 civilian casualties in Ukraine, including 474 killed and 861 wounded.
※〔軍事行動による一般市民の〕巻き添え被害=collateral damage
Poland, Hungary, Romania, Moldova and Slovakia are seeing a big influx of refugees, while the EU suggests more than seven million people could be displaced.
➾displace 故郷や国から無理に立ち退かせる
Ukraine dismissed Moscow's offer to create humanitarian corridors from several bombarded cities after it emerged that exit routes would lead refugees into Russia or Belarus.