➣Itaewon is an expat-friendly district known for its trendy bars, clubs, and restaurants and it’s the city’s marquee Halloween destination.
※expat=expatriate 国外在住者、国籍離脱者、海外駐在の人
➣South Korea was marking Halloween almost free of the COVID-19 restrictions that had dampened recent years’ festivities and Itaewon was ready to party. The alleys near the Hamilton Hotel are in full swing as tens of thousands flock to the area. The crowd, mostly young people in colorful costumes converged on the bustling area with friends.
※dampen 湿らせる、そぐ
※festivities お祭り気分、浮かれ騒ぎ
※alley路地、裏通り ➾alleyway
※be in full swing (パーティ等が)たけなわで
※flock to~ ~に群がる、集まる ➾throng
※converge on/at 一点に集まる、終結する、合流する

➣At least 154 people were killed in Seoul on Saturday night as Halloween revelers crushed their way into a sloping alley in the city's Itaewon district.
※reveler=お祭り騒ぎをする人➾party goers 動詞:revel どんちゃん騒ぎをする
➣Rather than a sudden rush or stampede, the crowd density had increased, making movement impossible. Survivors said they found it hard to breathe.
※rush 突進、猛進 ※stampede 殺到、総崩れ➾今回はcrowd surge/crowd crushが使われていた。
※crowd density 群衆密度
➣Police released transcripts of emergency calls that showed increasing distress among revelers as the crowd swelled, providing nearly four hours of warnings that went mostly unheeded.
※transcript 写し、筆記録、再現されたもの
※distress 苦痛、遭難、災難、嘆き
※go unheeded 見過ごされる、注意を向けられない

➣Social media soon filled with shocking images of bodies laid in rows on the street, many with clothes awry from the crush and efforts to administer CPR.
※awry 曲がって、ゆがんで、ねじれて
※administer CPR 心肺蘇生処置を施す =cardiopulmonary resuscitation

➣Later they would be draped with blue cloths before being taken away to morgues, where distraught families would collect them.
※morgue 遺体安置所 ➾mortuary
※distraught (悔みや悲しみなどで)心を取り乱した ➾distracted