➣A whale was spotted (➾sighted) near the mouth of the Yodo River in Osaka on Monday,
a rare sighting of the large mammal(哺乳類) in Osaka Bay, according to the coast guard.
※Japan Coast Guard海上保安庁

体長の3分の1を占める四角い大きな頭が特徴のマッコウクジラ=sperm whaleです。
➣Sperm whales are the largest of the toothed whales.
➣ They are easily recognized by their enormous square head and narrow lower jaw.
頭の中に鯨蝋=spermacetiという脳油があり、蝋燭wax candlesや潤滑油lubricantになることから世界で乱獲された時代もありました。

➣The whales were found to spend seven percent of their day in vertical sleeping positions near the surface of the water,where they napped for 10 to 15 minutes.
➣ Normally sperm whales swim in the open sea(外洋).Their habitats cover a wide area, from the Arctic to Antarctic waters, and they mainly feed on giant squid and other marine life.
※feed on~ ~を餌にする、~を常食とする
➣The whale has been affectionally(愛情をこめて) dubbed "Yodo-chan" on social media. Many people expressed concern for the mammal's well-being and hope that it would make it back out to the open sea.
➣It could be a young sperm whale living in the Pacific Ocean that strayed from its herd.
※stray道[コース]からそれる、道に迷う、はぐれるgo astrayコースから外れる、行方不明になる
※wander into~に入り[迷い]込む ➾drifted into
※herd〔牛などの大きな動物の〕群れ ⇒pod さや、(海生動物)の小群
➣It may be frail because it looked as though it was just floating.
➣The Osaka Coast Guard Office said the whale was barely moving and occasionally spouting water.
➣Local authorities will be responsible for disposing of the whale's carcass.
※dispose of 処分する、処理する、廃棄する、片付ける
➣A previous carcass was towed and then buried on land in Osaka, before being excavated with its skeleton displayed in a museum.

➣The carcass of the sperm whale was carried on a boat to waters off the Kii Channel, south of Osaka, on Thursday. On the previous day, workers removed the gas that had built up in the rotting (腐敗する)body. They tied a 30-ton weight to it before its burial at sea.