
A 90-year-old woman was found dead in the basement of her three-story house in a suspected murder robbery.
⇒ 強盗殺人robbery-homicide 【法】
There were multiple footprints inside the house, and the entire property was ransacked.
※ransack くまなく捜す、あさり回る
Since the start of the year, there have been a total of seven robberies in Kanto region, in which several men broke into houses, tied up the residents, and robbed them of money and goods.
A spate of similar incidents has occurred across Japan since last year. The Metropolitan Police Department(警視庁)suspects that the Komae case could be related to criminal activities carried out by a group. Police believe the information was shared among the perpetrators.
※a spate of 一連の、相次ぐ
※perpetrators加害者 ⇔victim
The alleged mastermind behind a series of robbery cases nationwide is a Japanese national sending instructions via smartphone from an immigration detention center in Manila known for its lax security.
※mastermind(首謀者、黒幕)➾ring leader
Philippine Justice Minister said that the presumed ringleader, who is said to have gone by the name “Luffy,” was arrested in the Philippines in 2021 and is being held at the immigration facility in Manila.
※go by the name ~という名前で通っている、通称~と呼ばれている

From their jail in the Philippines, the men managed to recruit accomplices in Japan to carry out the robberies.
A special fraud group based in the Philippines had solicited members for "shady gigs" on social media by touting high pay.
※solicit 誘う、勧誘する、強く求める、懇願する
※tout 押し売りする、しつこく勧誘する、大げさに宣伝する
※gig ①〈話〉〔一時的な〕仕事 (1回限りの仕事を指すことが多い)②jazz演奏会、一夜興行

The suspects were deported in the same week of Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr's official visit to Japan. Philippine Justice Minister said the Philippines wanted to show its willingness to cooperate with its neighbors in fighting transnational crime, even if Manila and Tokyo are not bound by an extradition treaty.(犯罪者引渡条約)
Authorities believe that yakuza crime syndicates, as well as "quasi yakuza(準暴力集団―半グレ)are involved in giving orders in these specialized fraud groups. However, the situation is difficult to grasp because in many cases, only the hired hands are arrested.
※quasi 半、準
※grasp しっかり握る、把握する
※hired hand (助っ人の)雇い人