
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed March 20 to be the International Day of Happiness.

※UNGA 国連総会 ※proclaim 宣言する


In the World Happiness Report, respondents are asked to rate their level of well-being on a zero-to-10 scale, with zero representing the worst possible life for them and 10 being the best.

Six variables(変化するもの、変数) are GDP per capita(一人当たりのGDP), healthy life expectancy (健康寿命), social support(社会的支援), generosity(寛容さ), freedom to make life choices(人生で重要な決定を下す際の自由度), and absence of corruption.(汚職、腐敗がないこと)


※on a scale of A to B AからBの段階、尺度で


Six-year winning streak for world’s happiest nation(見出し)


For the sixth year in a row, Finland is the world’s happiest country. 

The Nordic country and its neighbors Denmark, Iceland, Sweden and Norway all score very well.


The World Happiness Report reveals a bright light in dark times. Benevolence is about 25% higher than it was pre-pandemic.

※benevolence情け深さ、慈悲心、博愛、善意 ラテン語でgood will ⇔malevolence


Japanese tend to have a lower self-assessment(自己査定、自己評価) than their Western counterparts. In Japan, there’s more weight on getting along with others in the community. Openly boasting about one’s happiness could be seen as self-centered and even frowned upon.”

※boast about 自慢する、鼻にかける

※frown upon 眉を顰める、ひんしゅくを買う


It is difficult to measure happiness in the VUCA era.

