見出し(BBC):Ryuichi Sakamoto: Japanese electronic music maestro dies
Sakamoto, co-founder of the Yellow Magic Orchestra electronic music band and Oscar-winning composer for the 1987 film “The Last Emperor,” died on March 28. He was 71.
※blaze the trail=画期的なことをする、新境地を開拓する

Sporting blazing-red Mao jackets, they presented a “misconceived image of the East,” taking a dig at stereotypical Orientalism.
※sport見せびらかす show off/display blazing赤々と燃える、ギラギラ照りつける
※Mao jacket(中国の)人民服
※take a dig at (人)に嫌み[皮肉・当てこすり]を言う
Sakamoto announced in June of last year that he was battling stage 4 cancer. He had been diagnosed with throat cancer in 2014 and rectal cancer in 2021.
※throat cancer咽頭がん ※rectal cancer直腸がん
The news about his premature death at 71, after years of battling cancer, quickly spread around the world.
※premature death=早死に、若過ぎる死、時期尚早の死
The death of renowned Japanese musician and composer Ryuichi Sakamoto sparked an outpouring of grief and tributes from contemporaries and fans all over the world.

A young Sakamoto was captivated by Debussy and Beethoven. Later, modern U.S. composer John Cage (1912-1992) had a deciding impact on his life. Cage thought outside the box, defying widely accepted notions. His approach shaped the foundations of Sakamoto’s music and thinking.
※think outside the box 型にはまらない考え方をする
※defy (公然と)抵抗する ※notion 概念、見解
In 2001, after he moved to the United States, Sakamoto saw firsthand the Sept. 11 terror attacks. He called on the United States not to go to war, arguing that retaliation would only generate more hatred.
Ryuichi Sakamoto was also an advocate for peace and environmental issues, in particular taking a strong anti-nuclear stance that put him at odds with Japanese officialdom.
※advocate 擁護者、支持者、提唱者
※at odds with (考え方が食い違い)不和で
※officialdom 役人、官僚、官界

Sakamoto also continued down-to-earth social activities. He formed the Tohoku Youth Orchestra, composed of children in the Tohoku region, and acted as the director for the orchestra for about 10 years. Two days before his death, Sakamoto watched the live broadcast of the orchestra’s performance from his sick bed.
※down-to-earth 足がしっかりと地に着いた、地道な、堅実な