The president of Japanese talent agency Johnny & Associates has offered an apology over allegations of sexual misconduct by its late founder and former president.
※late=故 最近亡くなったrecently dead 死後20年~30年頃までが限度 deceasedの方が文語的
※misconduct非行、不品行、違法[不正]行為 →transgression
➾alleged sexual abuse
ジャニー氏は、少年アイドルグループ=boy bandを量産してきた=churn out芸能界の大物、大御所= talent mogul ですが、起訴されることなく4年前に他界しています。
Kitagawa died in 2019 and was never charged.
➾the architect of Japanese pop-idol culture
➾a powerful figure in the Japanese entertainment world

タイトル Japan’s J-pop predator – exposed for abuse but still revered
The scandal surfaced after a BBC documentary "Predator," in which several victims came forward, aired worldwide in March.
※revere 崇める、尊敬する

The following month, Okamoto held a press conference at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan, where he revealed he had been allegedly molested by Kitagawa on 15 to 20 occasions.
The pair talked about sexual victimization and exploitation.
※exploitation 搾取
“I thought that even if I said something, it would be hushed up and I wouldn't be protected by the law."
※hush up 〈話〉〔~を〕秘密にする、〔~を〕口外しない〔人を〕黙らせる hush=しっ!
➾stamp out〔たばこの火などを〕足で踏み消す〔うわさなどを〕もみ消す
※turn a blind eye見て見ないふりをする、目をつぶるという表現も
Being liked by Kitagawa was a must if one hoped to succeed in Japanese entertainment, and many young performers wanted to be invited to his penthouse, Okamoto said.
He said he owed a lot to Kitagawa, whom he called "Johnny-san," always adding the honorific.
※owe A to B AをBに借りている、AについてBの恩恵を受けている

Kitagawa’s alleged pedophilia has been an open secret for decades.
Japan's major media outlets maintained an uneasy silence about it.
※pedophilia 小児性愛 paedo子供+philia病的愛好 pedophile 小児性愛者
※open secret 公然の秘密
※media outlets 報道発信地、メディア支局、マスコミ
※uneasy silence 不自然な、決まり悪い静けさ