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Four children who had been missing for more than a month in the Colombian Amazon rainforest after a small plane crash have been found alive.

※rainforest熱帯雨林 ➾jungleの他、deep forest/dense forest/thick forestなど


The tragedy killed their mother and left the children - aged 13, nine, four and one - stranded alone in an area teeming with snakes, jaguars, and mosquitos.

※strand=立ち往生させる、困らせる、座礁させる さまっていた=wanderという言い方も 


※teeming with~でいっぱいの、群がっている


The children’s subsequent disappearance into the deep forest galvanized a massive military-led search operation involving over a hundred Colombian special forces troops and over 70 indigenous scouts combing the area. 

※galvanized 電気をかけたように急に刺激して行動をとらせる



For weeks, the search turned up only tantalizing clues, including footprints, a dirty diaper, and a bottle.


"This isn't a search for a needle in a haystack, it's a tiny flea in a vast carpet, because they keep moving," Gen Sanchez told reporters during the hunt.

※needle in a haystack=〔広い場所で〕見つけ出すことが極めて困難な人やもの

flea in a vast carpetはイディアムではないようです。

先住民族=indigenous people/tribeウィトト族の子供達。ジャングルで生きる術を身に着けており、葉っぱでmakeshift house仮設の住処を作る等していました。

Huitoto people learn hunting, fishing, and gathering from an early age. 

The 13-year-old raised in an indigenous community is well acquainted with the jungle and possesses many of the skills needed to thrive in such an ordeal.

※acquainted 知識がある、精通している

※ordeal=厳しい試練、つらい体験 語源:神判、神明裁判


Local media say none of the children is in a life-threatening condition, although they're suffering dehydration and insect bites.


Colombian President Gustavo Petro praised the joint operation and said the children's survival was great and exemplary.


Petro described the children’s 40-day saga as “a remarkable testament of survival.”


※testament=証、証拠となるもの、(法律)遺言 (聖書)神との約束 Old Testament(旧約聖書)